Back of Neck

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I got into the cock pit and settled myself in the seat, I looked around the aircraft and looked around, instantly everything coming back to me about how to operate my own aircraft.

I heard Hangman going up the ladder and I did my best to remain as calm and passive as I could, he was right by me, and he was wearing a new cologne, it was faint, but I liked it.

I didn't look at him when he made sure my straps were tight, and then he passed and seemed to give a good look at the inside of the aircraft, after a moment he let out a low whistle as he gently took my helmet from me.

"This machine is beautiful, as in it's, powerful, lethal and frightening – just like you can be."

I let out a bitter laugh, glancing at him then looking away- his hazel eyes were so intense. "That tracks, with you calling me a monster." I threw back at him, he let out a dark laugh.

"You may pull the whole 'good girl next door' act with Rooster, but with me, you really don't have to keep yourself hidden. I like how and who you are Chase – the darkness in you, you know Rooster will one day be turned off by it."

"Shut up." I snapped at him.

He gently moved my head forward and instead of putting the helmet on right away like I thought he would, he placed a kiss to the back of my neck.

That was a weak spot for me and I let out an embarrassingly loud moan. He put the helmet on me and I blushed ashamed of myself.

With the efficiency of the Navy man that he is he was down from the aircraft and stored the latter.

I watched him remove the covers and then walked to the hangar door at the far end of the bay, they were opening automatically, I saw that he had put on his headset.

"You have been told to start when you are ready but don't wait to long." Hangman's voice was serious through y headset.

I started the aircraft, it was a quiet start, unlike the F-18's Rooster and Hangman fly. I could tell by his expression he was shocked by that.

"Exiting the hangar now." I muttered, getting in the mind and overall emotional space to fly.

I exited out of it quickly. I decided to fly low, this aircraft could fly 50 feet above water and remain stable, I was getting used to flying again – it was coming back to me.

"Alright WARGAME...are you ready to play seek and destroy." The Vice Admiral voice came over the headset.

I activated the radar, it was an advanced set up, it could tell me the type of plane, I hacked into the database of the carrier and got a lock and who was where, I saw 'Hangman's' aircraft – they all were doing flight patterns.

"I can't see you on radar..." The Vice Admiral voice was worried.

"That is the point... I'll open my channel to be visible only to the carrier." The headset I designed had a two way mics, I had the right side set up to the carrier and Hangman, the left side was now patched into the other pilots.

"Do you see this person?" One of the pilots muttered.

"No I don't..." Roosters voice made my heart start to flutter.

I smirked, this was going to be fun, I put my thoughts of Hangman aside.

I looked up and spotted them, I pulled hard on the stick and started flying vertical, putting myself right in the middle of the aircrafts, using the sensors to time it just right so I wouldn't collide with anyone.

I gained altitude suddenly.

"Holy shit! What the hell was that." Rooster barked, I made an aggressive turn and quickly dropped altitude so I was flying below them where they couldn't see. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now