22 Hours

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

--- Chase's Point of View ---

"Do you have any idea what you do to me? How much power you have over me?"

I let out a very embarrassing moan at the deep baritone his voice suddenly conveyed.

"Bradley...please..." I begged, I felt like I was on fire, he had me on such edge, his hot touch and kisses making me sweat.

"That baby that is in you, I'll love it no matter what, but if it isn't mine, I am not gong to give you a break – I'll get you pregnant again right after...they won't even be a full year apart." He growled; his lips pressed against the side of my neck.

I didn't even care, he had me so on edge that I would do anything for him, he moved his knees between my legs and separated them, moving his hips I felt him slowly sink his cock into me.

If I hadn't been so turned on I would have been very embarrassed by the level and intensity of the moan that came out of my mouth.

"You like this? Who owns you?"

With utter control of his movements, he started grinding against me, keeping himself deep in me.

"Yes, you own me, I'm yours."

"Now be quiet, focus, I'm not going to let up until you cum with me in you."

{22 Hours Later}

Rooster and I sheepishly drove back onto base, it was very late and we were getting looks.

We had been in bed for most of the time, then going for a swim, then getting a couples massage then going back to bed and ordering room service.

"You should have let me pay." Rooster protested; I had settled the bill before he had a chance.

I let out a laugh, I wondered if he had any idea how much I made with my government contracts, but I didn't say that much.

"With the orgasms

and the way you pampered me – it was the least I could do, thank you for the wonderful time." There was a pause in my mind. "I needed some time away, real time."

He said nothing and I glanced at him, we were walking to my little house on base, he was looking down worried.


"Don't you think that it's odd Jake hasn't contacted us yet?"

That made me pause, he never used his first name.

"I'm worried about that as well."

Slowly we walked to my place, he reached it first and put in the code, we opened the door.

My eyes met Hangman's, he was sitting on the bed, leaning back against the headboard with what looked like a tablet in his lap, he was watching something.

He looked up at us and pulled out his headphones.

"There you are, I was wondering if you had run off together."

"Sorry..." Rooster started to explain.

"We wouldn't." I stammered.

He held up his hand with a smile.

"It's okay, you don't have to explain..." He got up off the bed and came over and picked me up in his arms, I wrapped my arms around his neck, burning my head in his neck, he smelled wonderful.

"I'm know you don't want my to apologize, but she needed a break, so I took her to a hotel and pampered her."

Hangman hummed, leaning his head down, and kissing my neck, burying his head in my hair he inhaled.

"I get to spend some one-on-one time with you – to make this fair." He muttered.

"That's fair." Pushing him gently away I stepped back and looked at both.

"Do you think you two could find something to do and somewhere else to be." I asked gently, earning myself a confused look from both.

"I have to get some work done honestly, can't spend all my time under either one of you." I teased.

"Right...let's go to lunch – talk or something." Hangman put his hand on Roosters shoulder and led him out of the room, Hangman glanced at me over his shoulder, then both left the room.

With a sigh I sat down on the bed, I was lying, I just needed a moment to myself, I curled up on the bed, exhausted emotionally. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now