Baby Girl

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and supernatural situations. 

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I woke up slightly started as someone gently shanking my shoulder, the room was cold and I snuggled against Rooster more until I was shaken even more.

"Hey Hangman...what are you doing, why are you dressed already?" I looked over and saw a Rooster rubbing the sleep from his eyes asking questions, he sat up and looked confused, I smiled at his bed head.

Looking at Hangman I saw that he was dressed, showered and clean, smelling wonderful.

I also noticed that he held a drink tray with two coffees and what smelled like two breakfast burritos on it, I couldn't help the fact that my mouth watered at smelling it.

"Sorry I've got a meeting today with some family members, so I have to go, I didn't want the two of you to be hungry." He explained, his voice was apologetic.

I kept laying in bed but Rooster got up and smiled at him.

"Thank you, I'm actually starving, we missed you last night."

Hangman looked over at me, giving me a small smile.

"I missed you to do you mind if I monopolize her later tonight, it's only fair that I get a date with her as well."

Rooster handed me a coffee and a burrito, I took it. "Thank you, Hangman." I softly said, he reached out and cupped my cheek gently, I found that I was turning into his touch.

I was amazed at how safe I felt with him, even though something deep inside me told me that he could be a danger to me, I still was drawn to him like a moth to a flame.

He left the room, and reaching over I put my coffee on the side table and unwrapped my buritto.

"Hungry baby?" Rooster asked, I looked up at him and smiled.

"Actually, the baby is me so hungry, makes sense actually I have seen Hangman's appetite." I joked, earning a laugh from Rooster, he saw that I saw, Hangman really did have an appetite. I looked down and thought for a moment.

"You are thinking way to loud."

"Yeah, I wanted to do something, but I don't want to do it alone, and I'm not sure if I want to have Hangman know yet."

I watched as Rooster swallowed what he was eating.


"I want to check on this baby's gender, we can do that with a blood test, but I." I stopped and thought about how I wanted to explain that.

"I want to do it with you, not Hangman, I know it sounds awful."

He put the food down and put either one of his hands on the side of my face.

"Shh, easy, it's okay I understand, we can do that today."

{4 Hours Later}

We were outside of the private doctor's office, my arms were wrapped around his neck and I was smiling into his neck, the process had been easy, and given my connections it only took two hours to get the results.

"She's going to be so beautiful."

"I'm happy she is a girl; I wonder if Hangman will be."

Rooster buried his head into the back of my neck, keeping his arms tightly around me.

"He's going to love her no matter what, and so am I."

Gently he pushed me away, a few stray tears that I had fought to keep under control fell down my cheek, reaching up he wiped them with the pad of his thumb.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up and back home to meet with Hangman, I have a feeling he is going to have something planned."

"Alright." I wondered if I dared tell him what the gender is, would he be mad that Rooster learned first?  

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now