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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Rooster's Point of View ---

We were walking to the transport vehicles, we were going to the dock and taking a boat to the aircraft carrier. Hangman was going to be carrying the bomb and I was going to be his wingman.

I noticed that he was quiet and very pensive, he normally didn't ask

"What is wrong."


He said that a bit to quickly, I knew something was wrong so I turned and looked at him more closely.

"Are you really not going to tell me?"

"Its harder, leaving her and going on this mission."

I let out a sigh, running my hand through my hair, knowing what he meant, but there was something else.

"What are you not telling me?"

"Don't press me on it Rooster, just know that I got your back."

I let out a laugh.

"Come on, you don't always have your wingman's back."

"I will do whatever it takes to get you home to her, you can count on that."

Something in his voice unsettled me.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I made my way to the helicopter, it picked me up instantly I watched as he flew right out over the bay, I was taken right away to the aircraft carrier.

When I got to the upper deck area, the one no fighter pilots were allowed in I was greeted by Beau.

"They will be here in a few hours, and it will take us three days to get to where he need to launch from, I have given you quarters down the hall."

I nodded, I felt almost crazy doing this, I was on the aircraft carrier that both Rooster and Hangman were going to be on, and I couldn't let them know that I was here.

I was led to my private room, I put my bag down and laid down on the bed, trying to calm my own breathing, I put on a com system in my ear, so I could communicate with everyone on the aircraft, it was universal.

"They are arriving, if you want to watch them I suggest you come to the upper deck."

Beau's voice in my ear was startling, I got up and went to the bridge, rubbing my eyes, I had grabbed a coffee.

I looked down on the flight deck, watching Rooster and Hangman walk on the deck heading to where they would be staying below deck.

"Can I speak candidly?" Beau's voice was soft.

We were in the front, somewhat privately.


"Between the two of them, who do you love?"

I turned to look at him, he gave me a knowing look, I did my best not to blush at realizing that he knows that I was with them both.

"I'm not ready to answer that."

"You should think that over, because that's your bomb they will carrying, a very dangerous bomb, you are putting the man you love in danger."

I saw Hangman look up right at the window where I was, I took a step back worried that he saw me, I turned my attention to Beau, shaking my head I walked past him, I was going to sneak down to the bottom cargo deck to look at my bomb. 

{2 Hour's Later}

I was looking over the metrics on the side, of my bomb, I was distracting myself from trying to figure out why Beau had asked that fucked up question, you knew his intention, but you were still pissed off about being called out like this.  

"I knew that was you. Why are you here?"

I let out a yelp and turned to see Hangman standing there.

"This is a restricted area Jake." I growled.

"If you want something bad enough, you go after it. I don't care who you are, don't mouth off to me." 

I looked down. "I'm sorry." He stepped forward, and I stepped away from him, the hurt in his eyes was noticeable and painful. I stepped forward and put my arms around his waist, with a happy sigh he put his arms around me.  

"Why are you here."

"That is my bomb."

"I know."

"Please when you drop it, get yourself and Rooster out of the blast zone, please."

He said nothing, only dipped his head down and kissed me on my lips.

--- Rooster's Point of View ---

I was looking for Hangman, he was very distracted and disappeared right after we got settled, I wanted to go to the mess hall to eat. 

I knew I was in a slightly restricted area but I wasn't stopped, I walked forward, there were huge windows that looked down into what seemed to be a cargo bay, walking up to them I looked down.

I felt my heart almost jump into my throat.

Chase was here, in Hangman's arms, kissing him.

"What the hell? Why is she here?" I muttered, watching them make out.

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now