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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships - so trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

The wave of nausea overcame me and passed quickly, as if the fight or flight response kicked in I started feeling clearly.

I felt around the area, I wasn't bleeding that bad and after feeling the back of my shoulder I felt the exit wound, it was a clean through and through bullet hole, that was good, last thing I needed was a bullet stuck in me.

"Yeah, they are shooting at us, she told me to tell the Black Ops guy, yeah, we are on the floor, she has been shot...I don't know Jake, I haven't been able to make my way to her.

"Chase talk to me..."

There was another round of gunfire, clearly the guy was using a silencer, so you were betting that no one outside was hearing this.

"I'm here, stay down."

It took a moment, but I heard movement from the room above us, I sighed, and I heard the unmistakable sound of a rife being shot from the room above us, there were only two shots, and the bullets stopped coming into the room.

He had shot the shooter.


I sat up and stumbled, moving to the side of the room out of the line of sight of the window, Rooster was standing up with me, before he reached me Hangman came back into he room.

"Fuck baby..." He ran and they were both around me. The Black Ops soilder

"You need to leave now, go up the coast, stay in a random hotel, not a motel and then get on that ship do you understand?"


"Chase listen, they have found you , if you want to safe yourself and keep them safe you will leave now, just take what you can, I'll contact the ship and they will pick a port to pick you up in...you can take my vehicle, it's clean and untraceable.

Without warning I was picked up my Hangman, and I Rooster seemed to grabbed a bag and throw stuff in it, our hygiene kits, as well as a few clothes.

I didn't see the rest because Hangman took me out of the room, I saw the Black Ops soldier hand him some money and what looked like fake passports.

"They were made yesterday, just in case...go, I'll clean up here, take care of her, she doesn't deserve half of what happened to her."

I buried my head in Hangman's shoulder, I closed my eyes and before I knew it was put into an Jeep, and Hangman got in beside me on the back seat, seconds later Rooster got in, and he drove out of the resort.

After a moment I sobbed.

"You should just leave me somewhere; I'll find my way back to another base."

"What?" Rooster growled.

"What are you talking about." Hangman said at the same time.

"I never wanted to put you in danger, that is why I walked away, I didn't want you hurt."

Hangman moved me so I was on his lap, looking up at him, he looked down at me.

"We are not fucking leaving you." He seemed to look up and meet Roosters eyes in the rearview mirror before he continued.

"We have both made this choice to be with you regardless of what might transpire, so get that into your beautiful head, I'm going to take off your shirt."

I gave him an accusatory look, really, he wanted me right now?

He gave me a playful smile, almost teasing.

"I need to clean your wound..." With that he pulled a medical kit from the back of his seat, I did as I was told, closing my eyes and just letting Hangman handle me.

"Baby girl, we are going to the hotel called The Cape, it's on the coast, this is a bit of a drive... try and get some sleep, Hangman and I will trade off driving, I think it is best to keep on the move and not stop for a while."

Hangman leaned down and kissed me on the lips.

"This is going to hurt."

Just then he put pressure on my shoulder, making me start to cry as he disinfected the area.

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now