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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

---Chase's Point of View ---

I walked back to my private quarters at the base, I grabbed some water and a granola bar and sat at the computer, curling my legs up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them and leaning my cheek against my knees.

I looked down, the bump that I had was barely noticeable, but soon it would be bigger – more noticeable. I couldn't stop the tears, that started to flow down my cheeks.

I realized that this was the first time I have been alone with my thoughts for a while, I was scared of having this baby – my line of work was dangerous and I knew it might cause trouble, but also the idea of having a child excited me – not to mention the two men who had slowly entered my heart and took ground.

I loved both of them, and I was scared of losing both of them.

I hit a few keys on the computer and looked up at the screen, whipping the dears from my face.

I was tracking Rooster's flight; he was flying low and going at a steady but fast speed. I couldn't talk to him because he was locked on the dark ops radio channel.

I hadn't gotten much sleep for the past few days, and I found that I was exhausted, I knew it would be about a hour before I knew anything – so I walked over to the bed, kicking off my shoes I curled up in the middle of the bed.

{10 Hours Later}

I work up startled and sat up abruptly the room was dark except for my computer screens, I looked around frantic, not really focusing on anything – I didn't know how I knew, but I knew that I had slept for a long time, I had that sleepy fog of mind.

After getting my mind right – the dream I had been having is still not clearing my brain. My breath hitched a little in my throat, and I let out a little cry when my eyes adjusted to the dark and I looked to my left and right.

On my right was Rooster, in his flight jumpsuit that was unzipped showing his white shirt and the arms of the jumpsuit was tied around his waist, to my left was Hangman, who was shirtless and in his boxers. The room was silent, and you could hear the soft breathing of them both, Hangman was softly snoring.

I reached over and gently touched Roosters cheek with the back of my finger, he was solid – for a moment I thought I was hallucinating them.

My boys were home, safe.

I moved down the middle of the bed, and stood up, I gave them a good long look.

"Fuck they are a sight." I was a bit shocked that I had landed two extremely good looking and just amazing – MEN.

I felt dirty and tired, I was out in the sun and got sweaty.

I had an ensuite bathroom that I walked into, stripping down I turned on the shower and got in.

I was letting the lava hot water go down my back relaxing me when the door to the shower opened, I let out a shocked yelp looking up, a fully naked Hangman stepped in and Rooster held back out of the door and was clearly undressing.

I moved forward and wrapped my arms around Hangman's neck, kissing his cheek, then moving over and kissing his lips.

"I'm so glad you made it home."

"Thank you for getting me out, I heard they stopped the attack."

"Thank god."

Rooster stepped in the shower, it was a bit of a tight fit for all three of us but we could move around, I moved and wrapped my arms around Roosters neck hugging him, kissing his neck and behind his ear.

"Thank you for bringing him home."

I glanced over and saw that Hangman was washing off. Our eyes met.

"How is our child doing, are you okay?"

The feeling that I had, it was very deep down that this child was Roosters.

"We are both okay. I was so scared."

"I'm here now baby." I was still hugging Rooster when Hangman wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Let's take her together again." He said over my head. "Are you okay with that, then we can get back to the shower?" Hangman asked.

"Yes." I weekly muttered.

Rooster moved and picked me up, taking us out of the shower, and made his way to the bed.  

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now