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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships – this chapter talks about MURDER and MURDER FOR HIRE so trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I was holding a cup of coffee as I walked out of the RV, Rooster had left a fresh pot and a cup for me, no doubt knowing what I would want right when I woke up.

We had made it here and got to the RV late last night, we had made so many road stops along the way to see funny roadside attractions, for the first time in a long time I felt myself start to relax.

I walked over to him, and he looked over at me and smiled, I found that I loved his brown eyes, and I half wondered if I should ask him about the scars on his neck and cheek. They made him almost more manly,

We hadn't even had energy to make love last night because we were so tired when we got to the RV, we simply slept in one another's arms.

He woke up hours later, sobbing, I held him and after what felt like forever, he confessed that he missed Hangman something awful, and he felt conflicted as to why he was hurting so much.

"You loved him..." I gently reasoned, Rooster simply pulled me more into his arms and buried his head in my neck and cried until he passed out.

"It's cold this morning."

"Yeah the desert can be like that, come here – let me warm you, by the way your bed head, sexiest thing I have never seen."

He was wrapped in a blanket on a lawn chair, he opened it and I walked over and sat on his lap, and her covered me, I sipped my coffee looking out at the desert.

"There is not much out here to do."

"I know, but Maverick said we can use any of his toys and that there are some cool hiking trails nearby."


He nodded to the hangar behind us.

"He has some motorcycles, a few planes and a few old school cars."

"Nice." I crawled off him, and I went to the warehouse and pushed it opened.

"Woah..." I walked around, being the best weapons engineer on this side of the hemisphere as far as I know - I had a deep love for all things old and working, muscles cars, old aircrafts, old motorcycles.

I couldn't help myself and I walked forward, and I started to touch everything in sight with joy and wonder, I was like a kid in a candy store.

I turned and looked at Rooster who was giving me a very curious look, I gave him what I hoped was a disarming smile.

"Sorry, my dad liked old cars, and well anything prior to 1960's. And I love the same thing." I explained.

I walked past him, I put a hand on his chest.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm going to take care of this bedhead, and then maybe I can tinker with some of his toys, I don't think he will mind."

"Okay." He smiled, then he seemed to think it over. "My love, there is a store a few miles away, I was looking at this fridge and it was sparce at best, I'm going to get us some you want anything?"

I thought about it.

"Stuff to make Eggs Benedict, it's my favorite and it will make me feel better if I make it for us."

He leaned forward kissing me. "As you wish." I watched as he walked to the car and got in, giving me a smile, I knew that I was most likely being watched, and I had seen a gun in the RV, Rooster hadn't noticed and I checked that it was loaded.

I walked back to the Hangar and grabbed my coffee that I left, I walked back to the RV and walked in, I walked down to the back when I was grabbed from behind.

The person wrapped their arm around my waist and put a hand across my mouth, I took a deep breath, smelling Hangman's aftershave.

The tears came inventory.

"I know you know that it is me, I'm blocking the exits and I know no one saw me come in...I'm going to let go of your mouth..."

Slowly he did.

"You are a monster; I saw you with them." I sobbed, equal parts angry and heartbroken.

"How?" He stammered.

"Are you here to kill me?" I looked up into his green eyes, he looked broken and upset.

Shaking his head, he swiftly he put his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me forward into a hug, after a moment I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, tasting my own tears as he roughly kissed me back, he pulled away and I saw tears in his eyes.

"I would never hurt you...I don't have much time, you know what I want..." Gently he moved me backwards to the bedroom, and gently shoved me down.

"Do I have your permission...please baby..."

"You do..." I looked away ashamed, feeling like I was betraying Rooster somehow, but I wanted nothing more than to have Hangman on top of me.

"Thank you..." he instantly moved on me, putting his full body weight down, dominating. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now