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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships so trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

---Chase's Point of View ---

My whole body felt like led as I opened up my eyes, I looked around the room, I felt my heart rate raise up because I didn't know where the fuck I was.

I felt someone take my hand looking over I saw Maverick sitting by my bed. I narrowed my eyes at him wondering there he

"Where is Rooster?"

"He fell asleep in the front room, waiting to see you."

"Why do I feel so shitty."

"You were poisoned."

I felt my brain misfire a little, it took me way to long to process what he had said.

"With what..."

"We suspect water hemlock."

"Seriously...hemlock?" I grumbled, that was a very...primitive way to try and do me in.


Maverick tilted his head and narrowed his eyes.

"We don't know, I was hoping maybe you could tell me, did you have something to eat or drink, ran into anyone suspicious?"

My poker face must have been amazing because I didn't flinch when he asked that, my mind instantly thought about Hangman,, he wouldn't harm me.

The very thought I rejected, Hangman would NEVER harm me...I mean, he wouldn't, would he?

"Nothing I can think of." I could hear the strain in my voice but I was sure that he couldn't, he ran his hand across his face, he looked tired.

"Alright, when you get back to the hangar, throw away any open bottles... and food you were eating. Only eat packaged food."

I nodded, he looked around.

"I'm sorry that you have to go though this, and I know I haven't been supportive of you with Rooster, but I think maybe you should be honest with him."

I gulped.

"I don't think that he can handle it."

Maverik didn't hide his expression, but he did look at me very passively.

"I think you might be right, but he needs to know, I am not going to tell him, but if he finds out another way – I think it will be worse."

I shook my head at him, he stood up.

"I'm going to wake him up and send him into you..."

I did my best to try and lower my blood pressure as I watched him leave the room, I leaned back on the bed after raising it up so I was sitting up, I looked at the white wall.

My mind was torn between two things, how was I poisoned – did Hangman do it? And how in the hell was I going to confess to Rooster.

I was zoning out and looking into the distance when my name was called gently... my head snapped over and I saw a tired and worried looking Rooster.

I opened my arms to him and he came over, sitting on the bed and hugging me, even with the IV I crawled more into his lap.

"Fuck baby easy..."

"I'm sorry I just want to be close to you." I looked up and saw him smile at me, licking his lips.

"Alright then..."

"I wanted to be close until...I have to tell you something." He looked at me worried, it hurt my heart but I pushed myself away from him.

"I'm not who you think I am." He narrowed his eyes at me, I could see the worry in his face, I took a deep breath, knowing the only way I would be brave enough to do this would be tell him right out.

"I'm not Beau's assistant...I am here because I needed to be placed under protection..."

"Protection from what?"

"Because of what I do some people are looking to either use me or hurt me...Rooster, I'm really a military engineer and a weapons specials working for the military and Lockheed designing aircrafts. I do a lot of things..."

He looked stunned. "You are joking, you don't look like you are joking but you have got to be joking."

"I'm not, you need to understand who I am. I...I am the one that designed INDOMITUS..."

He moved quickly off the bed and making him stumble back, I realized he was stepping away from me like I was disgusting, in fact he was looking at me with disgust.

"You''re lying..."

"I'm not...Hangman found out..."

"He knew... he FUCKING KNEW?" I let out a cry at how loud and venous his voice sounded.


"DON'T CALL ME THAT..." He screamed, and I do mean screamed. I covered my mouth sobbing; I knew he would react badly – but this was another level.

"Your weapon killed I really don't know you..."


He put his hand up and shook his head turning away and leaving the room, I curled up in a ball on the bed, sobbing.

"Fuck..." I muttered.  

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now