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Warning!! Chapter may contain talks of BDSM possible uncomfortable situations, smoking, possible trigger warning for some parts.

Chapter also contains elements of toxic relationships. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

He really did have a good spot to watch, I was a bit anxious about getting into a car and driving off base, Hangman did most of the talking, I answered his questions. 

We drove up to the top of a mountain to what looked like an abandon observation building, and then he helped me get on the roof.

"Woah...this is amazing, thank you for taking me here."

"Yeah...this is the best view."

I made my way to the edge and sat down, my legs dangling off the edge. I could clearly see the valley and the lights of the jets.

"I wonder who is who..."

"Easy, that is Maverick, and that is Rooster."

He pointed one and then the other, I turned and looked at him confused.

"How can you tell?"

"Rooster is very conservative doing running drills, Maverick is the one that is breaking the floor altitude multiple times."

While he was talking I found myself watching Roosters F-18, I kept my eye on it, and I could feel Hangman watching me watching him.

"Do you know Rooster?"

"We are acquainted."

I almost said that I wanted to get to know him more but I stopped myself, firstly because I had no idea where that came from and second, the truth of it scared me.

"Why are you so interesting in me?"

I was trying to defect the conversation.

"I am glad you asked Baby Girl, you seen I pride myself on being an observant man, and I am considerably taller than you."

I narrowed my eyes, I hated the fact that I was just over five feet tall.

"While walking up behind you I saw the Owned By Master tattoo on your upper back right by your neck."

I let out a genuinely shocked gasp, he put his hand on my chin and forced me to look at him. Then he moved his hand to the back of my shirt, sliding down until his hand rested where my tattoo was.

"You're a submissive..." 

"I..." I wanted to say no, but I really couldn't, I always had to be so in control and in charge of everything, I worked hard – but in the bedroom, sometimes I needed someone else to take control.

"Yes." I simply answered.

"Do you have a master right now?"

I shook my head.

"Are you taking applications?" He teased.

I suddenly felt very foolish, I had basically followed a guy I didn't know that well into the damn wilderness off base, in hindsight, not my best move.

The fact that he saw this tattoo explains why he called me Baby Girl.

"I mean you no harm, I've been a dominant for years and I respect boundaries..."

I looked up at him, yeah that tracks, he gave off serious dominant vibes. I imagine he would be a cocky, forceful and possibly a sadistic dominant.

"Prove it by taking me back to base."

"Alright, they are almost done with drills, you still didn't answer my question, do you need a master? How long as it been sense you have been owned Chase?"

"Long time...and...I don't know how to answer that."

"Fair enough, let's get back to base, will you meet me at 0730 at the mess hall for breakfast?"

His tone of voice changed and I felt a shiver go up my spine, yeah – that was an alpha male/dominant tone of voice, very baritone and very male.


"Good girl...come on." He stood up and offered me his hand.

--- Rooster's Point of View ---

I had just put away my plane and was walking back to the barracks to get some sleep.

That had been a rough drill, the entire time my brain wasn't in the seat, I was thinking about her, I was so confused as to why she was having such an effect on me, I just talked to her for a little while.

I stopped dead in my tracks, I saw Jake walking with Chase to a small building down the way. I knew that was where she stayed, she was given a small building to herself, perks of working for a Vice Admiral.

She turned to face him and he put his hand on her waist I felt blood rush up my neck as I saw him lean down and kiss her cheek, she stepped back and went into the building, shutting the door.

He turned back – I saw the shit eating grin on his face,  he looked up seeing me, I started walking over to me, hands in his pockets smirking.

"Have a good flight Bradley? Chase and I were watching from the old observation building."

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now