Baby Girl

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--- Chase's Point of View ---

I all but ran to my place of residence on this base.

The moment I used the secret keypad to open the door I ran in closing the door behind me. Instantly I changed my clothes into something more comfortable, I was in a very nice outfit for work, but I put on jeans, a simple white shirt and skater shoes.

With a sigh I went over to the computer desk and pulled one my knees to my chest wrapping my arm around it while using the other to type on the computer. 

My set up was simple, it was an old building tucked away in a corner of the base – one that looked rundown on the outside it was about the size of a tiny house, but inside were 6 monitors for computers with all that I was working on, a bed and a clothes rack, as well as a shower, bathroom and kitchen. It was a small home just for me.

I sat in the chair and opened up a connection and a call screen on my computer so I could get in communication with someone at the military head office, Ethan was my go-to for information, and I've had dinner with his family on a few occasions.

"Hey Chase, is everything alright? You haven't checked in for a few days."

I knew that it was odd that I would call him so late in the night.

"Yeah I'm fine, sorry I'll call more, but in the meantime can you send over every single piece of information on Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw, call sigh "Rooster" and Pete Mitchell call sign "Maverick" please. Send me there black files as well."

"Uh...sure why?"

"Darling I have the highest government clearance to date and you honestly are asking me that? Please just send it." I was teasing but at the same time I was dead serious.

"Fine ill send everything encrypted to your computer. Need anything else?"

"No but thank you, say hello to the kids for me."

I hung up and leaned back in my chair thinking things over, when the files on both of them came I started scanning over Rooster's stats first, huh, he a member of the Strider Squadron? Impressive, his record was clean.

I smiled as I realized he was a good boy, not at all reckless, careful. 

It took me a moment of digging but I found out that Maverick once flew with Rooster's father, and that his father was killed in an accident – so, that was why he seemed so protective of him.

I was so caught up in what I was doing that I jumped when an alarm buzzed in my room, reaching over clicked a camera feed onto another one of my computer screens, it would trigger a high definition CCTV if someone got close to my small military office.

Someone was walking up to my door, looking closer I saw it was someone that I knew, well kind of knew, he had gone out of his way a few days ago to introduce himself to me – I assumed he did it to impress the Vice Admiral.

I was looking at Jake Seresin, call sigh "Hangman". I was told he was a piece of work, and he looked like he was holding something in his hand. 

He knocked on the outside door. Annoyed I got up to answer it, seriously why were people paying thought to me? There are hundreds of stunning women who work on base, why am I attracting attention? 

I got up and decided that I would make it seem like I was leaving the building to go watch the night drills, maybe that will deter him from wanting to see inside my 'home'.

I shut down everything and went to the door, opening it.

I looked up to see the smiling face of Jake.

"Hello...I hope I am not interrupting anything?"

"No actually, I'm going to go watch the night drills... can I help you with something."

"I was told by the Vice Admiral that you like this candy, I picked it while I was in the city for you..."

I looked down and saw a Toblerone chocolate bar, I was shocked that the Vice Admiral had noticed that I liked it and that Jake would ask and then go find it for me.

Shyly I took it.

I looked him up and down, in the floodlight of outside my building I saw that his eyes were so different from Rooster's, a light color instead of dark.

"Thank you Hangman..."

He laughed, tilting his head back.

"Going by call signs huh, maybe I could call you by yours."

"I don't have one."

Actually that was a lie, I knew how to fly every plane I built, I was given one – EX MACHINA.

"Then I will give you one, how about Baby Girl?"

'Oh hell no...' My brain muttered to itself, why did I like it though?

"Baby Girl it is then. So... Baby Girl... night drills? Would you let me show you a cool place to watch them?"

"Uh, sure..."

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now