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Warning!! Chapter may contain talks of BDSM possible uncomfortable situations, smoking, possible trigger warning for some parts.

Chapter also contains elements of toxic relationships. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Maverik's Point of View ---

"You shouldn't encourage her to be with Bradley."

Beau narrowed his eyes at me.

"You know I have known her longer and more closely than you have, everything aside she is just a girl, and after all that she has been though I think some normality will help."

"What are you talking about, what has she been thought?"

He got up and adjusted his jacket.

"You are going to have to ask her yourself, see in you a few hours..." He walked past me, I looked up at the slide – I was missing something here. 

--- Chase's Point of View ---

Rooster car was an open Jeep, I looked out to the side as we were driving, he slowed down a little bit, so we could hear each other without the wind I supposed.

"So... how was your date with Jake last night?"

I let out a laugh at that.

"It wasn't date, actually I was watching you fly mostly, I can't wait to watch you during the daylight."

I looked over at him, gasping when I saw a blush move up the back of his neck.

"Thank you. We should be running daytime drills tomorrow as well."

I looked out the side of the car and started seeing houses, I jumped a little when he put his hand on my thigh, his thumb rubbing in small gentle circles.

"Are you alright with this..." We had stopped at a red light, and he was asking about where he had placed his hand.


We continued driving., he made no other moves than that, when we got to the diner I smiled, it looked so quaint and cozy, he got out of the car and helped me out of it.

I put my hands on his chest and stomach, they were hard, fuck.

"Thank you..."

{One Hour Later}

I took a bite of my burger, doing my best to laugh while chewing. I was shocked at how easy conversations with him were, we ate and talked, and I was at complete ease.

Doing what I do I never really take time out of my day to, just be an every day women, and enjoy some time with a man who was charming and charismatic, not to mention handsome. 

We ate a bit quickly because we had to get back to base and I found that I wanted  -. I offered to pay but he insisted that this was a date so he was paying.

We drove back to base, and I got a text from Beau, he said that I didn't need to come to the meeting, and that I could work on my aircraft for the rest of the day.

When he parked the car we lingered with one another, he got close and I found that I enjoyed how he smelled.

"What cologne do you wear? It smells amazing."

"Nautica Voyage... I was going to ask about your perfume."


"Like you are, so...can I see you again? I mean, can we have another date."

"I, I would like that, Rooster. Thank you for lunch, it was nice to get out."

He smiled, I saw that he made like he was going to go in for a kiss, but he hesitated I was disappointed when he decided not to. 

"I'll find you later, we can spend a day off together."

"Bradley...come on..." Maverick yelled, I jumped because I hadn't even seen him there, Bradley nodded to me and walked away, I turned smiling going to back to house.

{8 PM}

I stepped outside hoping that the mess hall would still be open, if not I would make myself something.

I was walking outside when I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist and I was pulled against a hard chest.

I went to scream and I felt someone put their hand over my mouth, and someone put there face to the back of my neck, kissing it and breathing deeply.

"I hate that you smell like him, did you really have to go on a date with him, he wouldn't stop talking about it all day..." Hangman growled.

I knew that it was him but it was too late to stop my reaction, I started sobbing and I felt my body start to tremble, he had just triggered something and I was starting to have a full blown panic attack.

Hangman let go of me, I started sobbing even harder, he turned me to face him.

--- Hangman's Pont of View ---

I could tell that she was freaking out.

"Woah Chase, what..."

"What the fuck did you do!?" Bradley barked running over, he grabbed her from me and pulled her against him in a hug, she wouldn't stop crying and he picked her up, my heart ached when I saw her arms wrap around his neck and bury her head in his neck. 

"I'm taking her too medical..."

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now