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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Rooster's Point of View ---

She took a big bite of pizza, chewed, and swallowed, then took another large bite.

"Oh my god, I swear my appetite today has been off the charts."

She wiped her mouth and looked down seemly embarrassed that I was watching her, and honestly, I was simply just smitten. How would a girl eating pizza be so appealing?

"Well you are eating for two, and I'm happy to see you have an appetite." I added, it had been a worry of mine for a while now.

She looked at me curiously, and I tilted my head quizzically at her.

"I mean you tend to not eat when you are stressed, and you really haven't been eating as much as you should lately, it has worried me."

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I took another bite of the pizza, thinking about what he had just pointed out to me, it warmed my heart knowing that he had been watching me that close, I had a feeling Hangman didn't notice.

"You're right, I really haven't." I knew that I had been under so much pressure that I hadn't really thought about eating, and sometimes gone hours. I looked up at his dark brown eyes.

"I guess being with you I feel more relaxed, and in turn I don't stress too much, and I feel like eating...I feel safe with you Rooster."

The confession came out in a rush, and I felt suddenly very bashful about it, but when I looked at Rooster there was something utterly difficult in his expression.

"Are you scared of Hangman?"

"No." The word came out way too quick and forceful, even I caught onto that. His eyes narrowed.

"Are you scared of him? Don't make me ask again." His voice was no nonsense.

"I don't know how to answer that in any way that I think you will understand." She muttered looking down, I moved and sat down next to her at the table, turning her and putting her leg over mine.

"I know that you suspect him of a lot of things...but how can you fear him...your carrying..." He put his hands on my belly.

"I fear that he isn't who I think he is, and if I am not sure if he is loyal to me then I'm not sure he wouldn't harm me."

"I think he would rather die than hurt you..."

I felt my heart constrict, remembering how Hangman had vaguely threatened Rooster, I felt like it was between a rock and hard place.

"Alright, I do fear him, there is a darkness in him that we have both encountered, but you have never hurt me, and I know for certain that you would never hurt me."

He put his hand on the side of my cheek and pulled me forward for a kiss.

"Come on, let's go bowling, take your mind off this."  

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now