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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I walked out of the bathroom where I had just been sick. That was something that never happens to me, I normally have one hell of an iron stomach, something felt off, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I sat down on the bed, I was tired but had energy at the same time, how I always felt when I flew.

I was still feeling a little bit woozy.

The door opened and closed, looking up I saw Rooster walking into the room, I was about to greet him when he walked up and stood in front of me wordlessly.

I looked up at his brown eyes were narrowed, and his jaw was very hard set. I felt small and powerless in front of him.

"Is there something you want to tell me Chase."

I was caught, I knew it, there was no use in fighting him at this moment.

"Hangman is on this ship, he was the one who helped launch me."

"Did you let him touch you?"

At the question I closed my eyes briefly, remembering the ghost of Hangman's kiss on my skin. I felt myself blush involuntarily; I didn't answer.

With a deep growl that sounded more animal than human, gently he leaned down and grabbed me by my hips and hauled me up all but throwing me up on the bed.

This didn't feel so sexual in nature, all our clothes were on, no this was power, and he was displaying it.

He grabbed the back of your hair, instantly I submitted, Rooster seemed kind and gentle to others, but I had seen his dominant side, I couldn't overpower him, and in many ways I didn't want to over power him. 

"You can be so infuriating, where you going to tell me if I didn't confront you about it?"

"I don't know."

"We are in this together now, you really can't be keeping things from me." 

"I can handle him."

"That isn't your job, you need to leave things to me."

He started kissing my neck, again it didn't feel sexual so much as a power play, he grinds himself against me, and like an animal in heat my body responded, I wanted him, I wrapped my arms around him as he moved against me he felt the power muscles of his back under his shirt.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me."

"I'm not sure if I can forgive you for this, you may have to put more on the table as a way of apogee." He smirked.

"My body is yours Rooster..."

There was a ship wide red alarm, that meant we might be under attack.

"Are you fucking kidding me."

The phone started to ring, Rooster instantly got up and picked it up, he was listening on the other end, after a moment he hung up.

"I'm going top side...there has been an unknown stealth submarine following us – it was just spotted. I have been asked to come top side."

"I got you released from any duty, you don't have to go up and help, you can stay with me." I pouted at him, he gave me a look.

"I'm in the Navy babe I have to see what is going on, I will come find you, please say deep in the ship, and not leave this room."

"I hope this doesn't have to do with me." I muttered gently. 

"We don't know that, it could be anybody, please stay in the room." Leaning down he kissed my cheek, leaving the room he grabbed his jacket and put it on.    

--- Rooster Point of View ---

I made my way to the upper deck, Hangman stepped into my path. I shook my head at him, narrowing my eyes.

"This isn't the time."

"You just left her?"

"Yeah, she is fine and safe in our room...we need to see what this threat is."

Hangman narrowed his eyes at me.

"Do you think this has to do with her?"

"I wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility."

--- Chase's Point of View ---

Something was starting to come clear in my mind, I stood up and left the room, looking around - the ship was mostly empty, everyone was battle station ready, that would make this easy.

I quickly made my way to the Medical bay, I got a little lost but I found it, looking around I saw what I wanted tucked into the corner.

I walked over and looked at it, turning it on, it had been ages since I had worked an ultrasound machine – and this one was about a decade old, I looked around and for the gel, finding it in the cabinet, I pulled the machine over to a reclined bed.

Laying down on it I lifted up my shirt and put the gel on my belly. Looking at the screen I gently took the wand and started moving it.

Slowly finding the space that I was looking for, I saw the space and the tiny little dot on the screen.

No way, there was no way. I had suffered to much trauma, been stabbed, hit...I mean, seriously?

Something else bothered me, it was a toss-up, Rooster or Hangman – fuck. I got up and cleaned off the gel and put the machine away. Happy that I was the only one who knew at the moment.

Fuck what was I going to do, this so wasn't the time.

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now