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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

---Chase's Point of View ---

"There is a dark ops submarine going after the... USS Carl Vinson... they need to be warned immediately, also I need clearance to have a flight leave from Fighter town."

"Who is this?" He demanded, sounding very annoyed. I walked past Rooster and started to put something in the computer – I was emailing the black ops ship to see if they were aware and if they were not I would make them – they would do everything to stop it.

I rolled my eyes, I really fucking didn't have time for this, could the guy not read caller ID. "Whitney "Chase" Shannara."

There was silence. "How did you come by this information?"

"You damn well know that my clearance is above yours – so I do not have to tell you, please, there is someone on that carried that I would really like to stay alive, in fact, a private fighter is going to be landing on the USS Carl Vinson within a few hours and Lieutenant Jake "Hangman" Seresin will be taken off that carrier – I do not want to go higher than you but I fucking will." I growled.

I normally was more polite than this – way more polite, at this moment however I blame it on my fear and my pregnancy hormones.

"There will be a warning sent to them, and I will have your Lieutenant cleared to leave."

"Thank you, I'm having the Dark Ops team come and intercept the submarine."

"I know they are not a myth, but are you sure they are going to help us."

I looked at the computer screen, they were already tracking it, and were on their way – they were aware of how close it was to the USS Carl Vinson.

"Yes, they might have unutilized it before it got there, but I have a bad feelings about it, there should be a warning."

I hung up the phone and turned to Rooster.

"I'm flying in there."

He grabbed my upper arm, stopping me, he was a bit forceful as he pulled my body against his and looked down at me, his eyes narrowed.

"You are pregnant, please do not make a fuss about this..."

"But..." I started to protest.

"STOP. I'm going to be taking a F-18 aircraft and I will get him off that carrier."

I started crying, I was so scared, thoughts of his carrier being attacked.

"Will you bring him back?"

He leaned down and kissed me, it was a soft movement, the kiss was forcing me to slow down, he held me tighter, he was in charge and he ended the kiss on his terms.

"Yes, I'll bring him home to you."

"Thank you..."

"Come on, see me off."

{20 Mintes Later}

I was on the runway, watching as Rooster got into a two-seater aircraft.

"You have never pulled your power like you have now." Vice Admiral Beau Simpson muttered.

I gave him a dark look, he held up his hands.

"Not judging, you just seem to love him...both of them."

I didn't want to comment on my unconventional relationship at the moment, I wanted both my boys home, raising my hands I waved at Rooster before he taxied out.

I watched him take off and turn to the right, going in the direction of the carrier.

Beau but his arm around my shoulder.

"Maybe you should get some water, being in the heat in your condition..." He started to say, I held my temper, he was trying to be nice.

"Thank you, there is not much I can do now but wait." I muttered, quite annoyed with the whole thing. I could have insisted I go, or could get on a flight right now, but I needed need both Rooster and Hangman mad at me for putting myself and the baby I'm carrying in danger. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now