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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

To say that I was freaking out after things had a moment to sink in would be a mild understatement – if I wasn't in mostly total control of my emotions I might be crying right now, I did my best to remain utterly calm as I walked back to my room I put a very protective hand over my belly.

I was a grown woman, and I could easily take care of both myself and a baby – I had the finances and I realized I could find a safe place.

I wasn't sure why I was thinking I was going to have to be doing this by myself.

Truth was I was more than a little unsure of how Rooster or Hangman would feel about this, I mean... Did they even want kids? And if they did, would they want them with me?

As irrational and unsure all of this was at this time, I had the most power here because I was the ONLY one who knew about this, for now, for my protection, I wanted to keep it that way for now.

I didn't know how long I was sitting on the bed simply looking down at my hands and thinking things over when Rooster came into the room rather abruptly, startled I jumped a little.

"Sorry babe, we think it has to do with you – someone must have reported that little demonstration in WARGAME earlier, they are going to fly us both to another ship then...I'm going to fly you to a Navy base, then we will be transported back to Fighter town."

I simply looked at him, a little bit to stunned to speak mostly because of the emotions that were going through my mind – so I simply nodded.

"Are you alright?"

'That is one hell of a loaded question.' My brain muttered to itself.

"Yeah just scared." It wasn't a lie technically.

"Alright grab your things, we have 15 minutes, meet me up on deck, back of it."

Wordlessly you gathered your things, you were used to moving quickly, you were kind of glad that you were getting off this ship, mostly because you wanted the others safe.

To be honest I was tired of moving around, I wondered if I could talk the military into settling me some place for a while.

--- Hangman's Point of View ---

I hated that she was leaving this ship, I knew that I wouldn't be seeing her for a little bit, but I would be back in fighter town in less than 5 days, I would track them both down after that.

I watched her closely as Rooster put her bags in the military helicopter.

I was focused on her completely.

One thing that all my military evaluations have said about me is that I am very observant, I can see things that most people don't notice right off.

Because of how closely I was watching her, I could see worry and fear on her face – something that I had never really seen before, even with her being shot and stabbed she was only strong and composed, it was something that drew me to her – that was when I saw it, with her right hand he put a hand over her lower stomach gently.

My eyes shifted up and down from the worry on her face and where her hand was – almost as if she was protecting her lower stomach.

'Holy shit, she's pregnant.' My subconscious brain remarked.

I suddenly felt kind of dizzy – looking at her now with that in mind, I was almost positive that was it, why else would seem to be so protective of her belly.

Fuck, if she was had she known long, couldn't be that long but she could be pregnant already with what Rooster and I have done to her...and if that is true why wouldn't she tell me? Anger started to fill me even more as I realized Rooster might know. The thought broke something inside me – because we had both cum I her without protection – the kid could be either one of ours.

I had to watch her go, because if she was pregnant, I wanted her far away from here. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now