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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I decided to fly low over the water again, to try and get my bearings again, my heart was racing at being in a cock pit again, I had missed flying.

I decided to go after Rooster's assigned wingman, I flew vertical and came up behind him, I knew that he could hear in his cock pit the buzz of being hit.


I started to drop the plane, I looked above me on the canopy seeing Rooster, I couldn't tell for sure but something deep between us told me he was the one chasing me.

"Time to show him what you can do." I muttered, I pulled a vertical stop, flipping myself on my side and stopping, the G forces made me a little lightheaded, but I recovered quickly.

He was having to do a long loop to get back to us, and I took that moment to take out three more of his squadron.

"Shit." I was hearing the frustration of the other pilots over the microphone, I smirked, I knew they were no match for me, I did a fly by of the carrier. After taking out three more, only Rooster was left.

Instantly he was on my tail, all but riding my ass. Shit he was good, he was really good, I found that it turned me on so hard, and I wanted nothing more than to be with him tonight.

Was it odd that his flying skills turned me on?

I vertical dived hard, getting a bit lightheaded again, and then pulled back up just 100 feet from the water, dropping down behind him I hit him.

"Fuck." Rooster barked, if he had focused a little bit more, he would have got me, he would have won, he clearly was the better pilot, but my aircraft was more maneuverable and that gave me the advantage.

"Good job." Hangman came over the intercom, I had forgotten that we were connected via the headset.

"Thank you." I muttered.

"You fly beautifully by the way..." I blushed even though I knew that he couldn't see me at all.

"Alright land on deck everyone... WARGAME – land on the main deck, you are the last one." The Vice Admiral demanded.

It was going to be a moment before I landed, sighing I put myself into a holding pattern and waited. Being in the air alone I thought about everything.

I had to face some facts, I loved the way Hangman took me, I loved how he touched and fucked me. But honestly, I am in love with Rooster, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. With him I knew that I would be safe.

But I feared that I would never be able to push Hangman away, I would have to ask Rooster to all but take me away from him.

I was lost in my thoughts when the Vice Admiral told me to land, I focused and made my way back to the carrier, I designed the aircraft to be maneuverable and I landed with ease.

Rooster was standing on the deck – I gulped, shyly I got out of the aircraft, I was surrounded by the other pilots, asking questions about the aircraft, I told them they could look at it as much as they liked.

Rooster, his arms crossed, he was looking at me, his brown eyes were very focused on me.

I walked over to him, he took my helmet and leaned down.

"That was...fuck babe, how soon can we be alone? Can you make that happen?"

There was a breathlessness to his voice that I knew, I knew what he wanted, what he was looking for.

"Give me a moment."

My heart was racing, I wanted to be alone with Rooster as soon as I was able. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now