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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

"Did you eat all of the broth Baby Girl?" Rooster purred as he came walking out of the show, and I do mean purred, his voice as a few octaves deeper than normal. And hearing him say that I really wanted Hangman to come back and have then both fuck the brat out of me.

But I knew that I needed to get some real rest, I showed Rooster my empty cup.

"You are such a good girl."

I yawned loudly and laid down on the bed, curling up.



I watched as he took off the towel, and put on boxers, when he turned to look at me he saw the pout that I had on my face.

"What is it?"

"I want you."

He gave me a wide smile, I could tell that I made him happy, I wondered if he really wasn't aware of how handsome he was.

"I love how horny you are, you just took us both and you still want more."

He walked forward and put his hand against my cheek, leaning down he kissed me on the lips.

"Let's get some real rest for once, you are still injured and have been though a lot." He walked over to a bag that he had and taking something out he handed me something, it was a sleeping pill.

Looking back up at him I saw him take his, then hand me the glass of water to take time, I took it, he had a point, I needed to rest for a while.

He laid himself down next to me and pulled me close to him, we were face to face and he was holding me.

"Close your eyes..."

That was the last thing that I remember,

{8 Hours Later}

I woke up suddenly and shivering, I looked around and remembered where I was, and it took me just a moment to realize that we were moving, I let out a sigh and laid back down, if we were moving that meant we were not longer attached to the ship Hangman was on.

I looked over at Rooster, sleeping, the sheets were pulled down and his chest was fully exposed, he had such a serious look on his face.

I reached over and pulled the covers down, leaning down I started kissing him right below his navel, he stirred.


"Morning...don't move."

After touching his cock just slightly it started to get hard, just what i wanted to happen. 

"What are you doing baby?"

"Making your morning...if you will let me. Can I, Daddy?" I knew that he would know what I was asking, he was a warm-blooded male and I was being obvious with what I wanted to do to him.

"Fuck...please." Instantly I moved myself between his legs, he put his hands behind the back of my head, tangling his fingers in my hair as he guiding me down on his cock.

I breathed though my nose as I took his cock, I wanted to please him. I was shocked and a more than a bit frightened at how submissive to this man I was becoming. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now