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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and being used for sexual pleasure.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

When we got back to the base, I found that I was happier than I had been in a long time, I looked over at Rooster who was looking down, he had a slight smile on his face.

"What?" I asked incredulously but playfully.

"Nothing, I just had a really good time, I'm sorry I never really dated you like a normal man should have."

I let out a happy sigh. "You don't have to apologize, given what was going on and everything it really wasn't time or place."

"But I should have made more of an effort."

I grabbed his hand and got closer to him leaning against his side.

"I love you."

He said it softly, and I could hear the depth of that phrase.

"I love you too."

We made it to my home and when I opened the door, I fully expected to see Hangman, but he wasn't there.

I looked up at Rooster and he was looking around the room, I could tell by his expression he was wondering where he was.

I let out a yawn.

"Let's get some sleep."

I smiled at him, I had eaten way too much pizza, and I was dangerously close to going into a slight food coma, after stripping down to my bra and underwear - I crawled up on the bed, not even getting under the covers.

Closing my eyes I felt the bed dip behind me as Rooster laid down next to me, I was disappointed that he was fully dressed, he became the big spoon, he put his hand on my chest, wrapping it and pulling me tight against him.

I enjoyed being this close to him, the way he smelled, collage mixed with a slight pine after shave was very masculine and comforting.

{4 Hours Later}

When I woke up I could feel that it was hours later, I sat up, for a moment I had no idea what planet I was on, my eyes adjusted and I looked around the room.

I saw Hangman and I found myself smiling, happy to see him, I focused on him a little bit more.

He was sitting in my desk chair, facing the side, his head was in his hands and he looked very deep in thought – far away.

"Hangman..." I softly questioned.

He looked up at me surprised, as if he forgot where he was as well, I caught the sad look on his face before he opened his one arm and patted his leg with the other, signaling that I should come to him.

Removing myself slowly from Roosters embrace I moved over to them and crawled up in his lap, curling up he wrapped his arms around me.


"Hi." He smiled.

"What is wrong?"

"Nothing." He leaned down and kissed the back of my neck.

"Why can't you tell me."

"I have my reasons..."

I shifted my body and buried my head in his neck, kissing him back. The tears came without realizing that.

"Don't cry babe...shhh." He soothed, I wasn't sure why I was crying, he wrapped his arms even tighter because if felt myself start to shake.

"Did you have fun with Rooster? How was your date?" He asked as a way of a distraction.

"It was wonderful."

"I'm jealous."

"We could go on a date you know..."

"Hmmm." He hummed as a way of thinking.

"I would like that...go back to bed."

I frowned at him.

"Are you coming to bed with me?"

He gave me a soft smile and shook his head, he reached down and pressed his hand against my lower stomach where his baby was growing, I wondered if the pregnancy hormone was what was causing my unstable emotions.

"I have to do a few things, go back to Rooster, I'll be back with you before daylight."

I don't know why I felt so rejected by this, I pouted, and he gently moved me off of his lap and pushed me forward.

I walked over to the bed and laid back down, I heard him leave the room, again I was crying and moved my body closer to Rooster, in his sleep he pulled me closer to him, as if in his sleep he could tell that I needed him, I closed my eyes and leaned into the touch. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now