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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

As he advanced on me I realized that Hangman was a dangerous influence on Rooster – my sweet and kind Rooster.

I leaned back, I decided in this moment to trust him.

I fell back on the bed, and he came up over me, he stripped me down wordlessly, his movements were methodical and dedicated, he laid on top of me, not getting undressed himself.

He was laying onto pf me, on of his hands were at the back of my head holding me as he kissed me – the kiss wasn't loving and gentile, it was powerful and demanding.

His knee came up between my leg, the roughness of his military outfit making the friction even more sexual – making me we with his movements.

After a moment he let out a chuckle, it was a dark and sexual sound.

"I can feel how wet you are getting..."

I blushed at that, such an odd thing because he had made me wet before.

Finally, he got up off me, instantly the air hit my body I felt myself start to shiver uncontrollably – was it always this cold in the room?

I watched as he stripped down, my eyes turned and I looked at Hangman, his green eyes watching intently – I had to look away.

I looked at Rooster, he really was a well-built man – in that he was VERY MALE. He was my whole world.

A realization happened, it flittered though my brain like a butterfly, barely making an impact but it's wings were leaving an imprint.

If I was forced to pick, I would have to say I love Rooster more – hands down, I was deeply in love with him, the realization made my heart hurt.


I let out a little sob, he moves again, languid and slow – and suddenly he was on top of me, the feeling of skin against skin was euphoric – his body was hard and powerful.

He moved off of me and turned me around onto my stomach then grabbing onto my hips he led me onto moving up on all fours. I obeyed him intently.

He moved his hand up and ran it down my spine.

"Are you going to fuck her or what?" Hangman's voice was gruff and almost had a board tone, shocking me into remembering that he was sitting there, watching intently.

"I'm getting to it...if you want it so bad you can fuck her yourself?" Rooster taunted.

"I just might."

I felt like a piece of meat between them – it wasn't a feeling that I particularly minded at all, I felt Rooster entangle his hands though my hair.

"Because you have been so good, I'm going to fuck you – but if you fight me and are disobedient, you are getting it in the ass."

I moaned; I knew by his tone of voice that he was serious.

"Spread your legs."

I did as I was told, when he held my hip with one and gently inserted himself the ache was apparent started to clear with him being inside me, it felt good to be full.

His movements were strong and powerful, holding my hips roughly, I feared there would be a bruise after – it was both painful and pleasurable. He let me move my hips freely to get used to him then continued to pound into me.

I jumped when I felt someone gently move my hair out of my face.

"Do you have any idea how she looks when you fuck her, so blissful – I'm not so sure why but her carrying a baby – almost makes this more erotic."

"Fuck I forgot about that."

I gasped again when I felt Rooster put his hand on my lower stomach, cradling it in a gentile manner.

Hangman leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"Make no mistake, you are mine, and the moment that the test confirmed this baby is mine – we are always going to be connected – regardless of how much you love Rooster."

A chill went down my spine, Hangman backed off and Rooster pulled out of me, he didn't give me much time to miss him because he flipped me over onto my back grabbing my thighs made me straddle his waist.

When he entered me I shivered, it was a shiver that covered my whole body.

"Are you cold?" He asked in a whisper.

"No just...it's a lot of feelings – a lot of emotions." I confessed, I did my best to close my eyes, and let myself get lost in the feeling of having him against me, making love to me – and did my best to tune out and forget Hangman was here.

I wasn't sure how much time passed before Rooster put his hand around my neck – holding me in place.

"Sorry, I can't hold on for much longer – I can't...I'm sorry."

"Please." I begged, clearly meaning I want him to cum. He choked me a little bit as I felt him cum, he relaxed his body, putting a bit of weight on me.

"Not going to lie Bradshaw – you fucking her is one of the hottest things I have ever seen." 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now