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--- Chase's Point of View ---

"Yeah I could get some food, thank you."

For some reason this guy was trying to bait me, and I wasn't sure why. I was annoyed that I was being observed but the best thing I could do is go along with it.

"Cyclo...I mean, Vice Admiral Simpson has never had an assistant before, so we were curious about you."

'We? What do you fucking mean by WE?' You mustered mentally.

"He has wanted one for a while, so he simply asked for one and he got me."

"Are you military? Or ex military?"



I bit my lip, unsure of how to answer this, I guess I could tell the truth, kind of.

"Private sector."

"That explains why I couldn't find anything on you..." He murmured more to himself.

'The reason you couldn't find anything on me is because I have been wiped from all official records and I basically don't exist.' Your brain answered, but you didn't say that out loud.

"Why were you looking for things on me?"

"Because I am inquisitive about you."

"There is nothing much to me."

He let out a laugh, it was such a stunning and lovely sound that I looked over at him, his eyes had lit up and is face held a smile – handsome.

"Oh that is one hell of a lie and I think we both know that."

We had made it to the mess hall, we walked in and saw that it was mostly empty, I walked up and saw what was on the menu today – I was annoyed with how he had seen what I eat normally that I decided to get some pizza.

I grabbed some from the hot shelf.

"Pizza, that's new." He teased.

I watched as he grabbed some grilled chicken and rice, we both grabbed a bottle of water, he followed me and we sat down at the chair directly across from me, I leaned back in the chair and took a large bite of my pizza.

He looked at me with a bemused smile, I found myself blushing at the look, something that was embarrassing because not many can make me blush.

"So what time are you normally done with your duties as an assistant? You haven't left the base as far as I can tell, I could take you to the beach or something, show you around."

"Bradley ..."

We both startled at the loud voice and looked up and saw Pete Mitchell call sign "Maverick".

Shit. Fucking Shit.

I almost choked on my pizza, he was one of the few people on this base that knew exactly who I was, he had flown a mission in one of my special ops aircrafts, so we had become acquainted with one another. By his expression he clearly wasn't informed that I was here.

Oddly enough he seemed like he knew Bradley personally, I wanted to look into that.

I looked at him and he looked at me with what I could only describe as disapproval in his eyes, he looked from me to Bradley .

"What is it?" His voice held poorly veiled annoyance.

"Come with me, we are going to run nighttime flight drills."

"I'm eating can't..."

"Are you being insubordinate? Eat on the way."

Bradley looked over at me with an apologetic expression.

"Sorry, I'll track you down later."

"Safe flight Rooster..." I flirted.

"I like when you call me that." He flirted back.

I looked over at Maverick. "Captain." He nodded at me, and Bradley got up and followed him, I got up and walked to my residence as soon as they were out of sight.

--- Maverick's Point of View ---

"You realize that you just cock blocked me right? I was just asking her out."

I did my best to hide any emotions about her. I was astonished to see her here, I mean, that girl was... for lack of a better term dangerous, that brain of hers...terrifying. Sometimes I wondered if she could just switch off her humanity at will. I wouldn't go as far as calling her a sociopath – but damn near close in my opinion.

I respected her, but I didn't want her anywhere near Bradley.

"Her? Really?"

He threw his food in a trash can and ran in front of me, stopping me and crossing his arms, I stopped, knowing I had annoyed him.

"What do you mean by that?

"Nothing, I just didn't think that she would be someone you were interested in." I walked past him and he followed me.

"I like a nice, kind, intelligent girl next door type."

I swallowed hard, that wasn't what Chase was, far from it.

He walked ahead putting his hands in his pockets.

"You need to stay away from her Bradley ..." I said under my breath.

"You know I just want to get to know her – there is no harm in that, Jake seems to like her as well, I don't want him going after someone as nice as her, he won't be good to her."

I did my best not to laugh, because Hangman would be a better partner for her than Bradley would in my opinion.

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now