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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

"What kind of punishment?"

"There are many things we can do, whip her with a belt, make her deepthroat one of us as he cum down her throat, keep her on her knees for a long time, anything she would agree to do."

"Can you forgive me this one, I'm still learning my limits with you...both." I asked gently, I nestled my body more into Roosters, but Hangman kept his hand on my hip, his hand rough against my skin.

"What do you think Rooster?"

"Maybe we can forgive her this once?"

"I don't normally forgive my submissive for disobedience, but I am willing to make an exception. You know I haven't had a chance to have her you know...I would love to fuck her doggie style, it's a very submissive position – vulnerable." Hangman added.

"You're kidding, you haven't had her, I thought for sure?"

"No, you've had and see more of her than I have, I mean, look how plump and soft she is – her body is built to be fucked...can I have her, will you let me do that?"

"I have no problem with it, how do you feel about it?" Rooster asked me.

"Uh..." My head was spinning, and I had no idea how to answer.

"Let me, baby girl let's use the color system, if you want me to stop say RED, if you want me to slow down and talk to you say I have your permission to dominant you?"

I buried my head into Roosters chest and nodded against his skin.

"Use your words." That command came from Rooster, his voice was so strong.

"Yes. God what am I allowing you two to do to me... RED..." I whimpered.

"Bradley let her go..." Hangman's voice was cool and calm.


"When a submissive colors RED all things stop, so back off."

I shivered as both Rooster and Hangman pulled back, Hangman covering me with a blanket. I didn't look at either of them.

"We will be in touch, just, think about what the two of us are offering you here alright? I will always respect my submissive."

--- Roosters Point of View ---

I was hesitant to leave her on the bed, and I hated how she wasn't even willing to look at us, but I was all but dragged out of the room by Jake.

When we got to the parking lot I stopped him from pulling me.

"We can't just leave her here. We have to go back."

"Yes we can, looking you are new to this whole dominant and submissive thing, when a submissive uses there safe word everything stops, and I tend to back away to give them space."

I shook my head running my hand though my hair. "Fuck, I have no idea how to be a dominant."

"You seem to be somewhat of a natural at it, do you want to grab a beer, and we can talk about it?"

"What are we going to do about her?"

"Let's give her a whole day to herself – then we will go with what she wants, I have a feeling that she really wants this and she is ether being suborn or purposely defiant at the moment.

"I hope you are right, I just...I hate leaving her."

"So do I, but I think we have to." Shaking my head I followed him, leaving her to fend for herself.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

{One Hour Later}

I had taken a shower and got dressed, what had I just agreed to, could I really have them both?

I was standing at the window when getting a bad feeling I looked down and saw a red laser in the shape of a plus sign right in the middle of my chest.


Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now