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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships so trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Maverick's Point of View ---

"Bradley..." I started walking towards him, but he didn't seem to respond to what I was saying, he kept looking at the screen.

As I approached him he stumbled back against the wall, his back hitting it hard, he slowly sank down onto his ass, looking into space.

"Get a medic in here..." I heard Beau ask, there was a strain in his voice, I looked over my shoulder at him I saw him with his back to us, near the wall head in his hand. I could see he was struggling to hold it together.

When he turned back I saw tears in his eyes as he shut down the projector getting her off the screen, then he turned his back to us again.

"Bradley look at me...please." I felt myself start to grow very uneasy, I had never seen him like this. I touched his skin, it was cold and clammy.

"Please move..."

I stepped back when the military paramedic came up to him, I saw that his breathing was very shallow and uneven, they looked at his eyes.

"He's in shock, let's get him to medical bay..."

One of the guys put one of Bradley's arms around his shoulder and picked him up, Bradley made no resistance and the walked him down the hall.

"Stay here Mav, let them take care of him for a while before you go to him...we need to talk about Seresin..." He put a hand on my shoulder, I watched as they look him away down the hall.

{5 Hours Later}

I sat down in the hospital bed, they had given him a sedative and he looked very relaxed but the blankness in his eyes.

"Bradley, Jake isn't dead."

He said nothing but he tilted his head.

"He faked his death to try and find out who was trying to kill her, he wants to come see you, is that alright?"

Again the was looking at me with a blank look, he simply nodded then looked at the wall again, laying down, it was terrifying seeing him like this.

I leaned down and kissed the back of his head before standing up – I knew he was in pain and I didn't know how to help him, I had a feeling that maybe Hangman could help him.

I walked to the door, Beau had left for the day, everyone was very upset about this.

--- Rooster's Point of View ---

{Late Night}

"Rooster..." Jakes voice broke though the haze, my mind was wandering again, lost in my own pain, I had heard what Mav had said about him, but I had no energy to react to it, that was the mild sedatives that I was on.

I rolled back over sitting up in the bed to see Hangman standing by my bed. His hair was a bit longer and he had a slight beard, he looked as awful as I felt, dark circles under his eyes and a grave look.

The pain came to the surface, I know I had pushed her away when she told me who she really was, I was dealing with it, realizing that I was still in love with her, I had found out all that I could about her, how she lost her twin – her life, she was a the same beautiful soul that I feel hard for.

But when I inquired about her they said she was gone for now, I was waiting, I was fucking waiting for her to come back, or for her to be out of danger...when I saw that she had been seeing him alive – without her connecting us.

My attention was back on Hangman's as he put his hand on the back of my head and pulled me to him, we embraced tightly, I buried my head in his shoulder sobbing and I clung to him.

"I know...I know...I'm sorry I was gone; I feel the same..." His voice held a sob as I felt what had to be tears of his own dripping onto my back.

"I don't want to continue in a world where I know she isn't alive Hangman, this hurts to much..." I sobbed, his breath hitched and he held on to me tighter.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

{Amalfi Coast - Italy}

I was eating some cheese and crackers and drinking coffee looking out at the ocean, I looked up as my new Black Ops handler named James sat across from me, he was wearing civilian clothes.

"Do you want some?"

I pushed the plate of food to him, he shook his head.

"I heard some intel from Fightertown... they story of your death seems to have reached most people and is believed."

"That is no shock, they did a good job making it seem real."

"It just curious to me...are you a sociopath?" I looked at him shocked, that was something that I had never been accused of.

"No one has ever asked me that, and we have spent a day or two together so I can't think of anything that made you think that...can I ask why you are asking?"

He gave me a passive look and took a bite of cheese.

"Because as far as I heard you have a Vice Admiral, a Captain and two Lieutenants who are absolutely destroyed by your death, one has even been hospitalized due to shock and extreme emotional destress."

My heart started pounding, I did my best to not react to it because we were in public and I didn't want to draw attention to myself.

"Do you know who?" I could guess but I wanted to hear it from his own mouth.

"A Lieutenant Bradshaw."

"Fuck..." I muttered, I thought he didn't care, I thought he wouldn't care.  

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now