Back to Fightertown

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships - so trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Rooster's Point of View ---

"There is not talking you fucking out of this is there?"

I let out a sigh, I was waiting for the sandwiches that I got us, standing by me was the Black Ops soldier – he came with me to get food.

While we were waiting, I had called Mav to tell him what Hangman and I had planned.

"You know there isn't any way I am leaving her alone."

Mav let out one huge sigh and I could practically hear him pacing the room.

"Is she alright at least, I would like to give good news to the Vice Admiral."

I blushed and turned even more away from the Black Ops soldier, yeah, she was doing fine, memories came back of us having her at the same time, Hangman was a bad influence on me, before today I would have never thought that I would have shared a women who I love.

Now the idea of NOT sharing her was awful.

"Yes, she is fine, a bit traumatized but seems to settle when she was with us."

The Black Ops soldier let out a scoff and I threw up and annoyed look, he smiled and held up his hands in surrender.

"Alright, you need to return to Fightertown as soon as you can, there is an aircraft carrier that will take you up the coast to the base so you would be harder to track – when you are all safe on base - then we can decide where to take her and what to do."

"Is.. I mean, will she \be safe there? She was attacked before."

"The Vice Admiral said we will double down on security and keep an eye on her, and we have the ability to move her quickly."

"I'll talk to Jake about it, we are decided things together when it comes to her."

There was a pause on the other end of the phone, and I herd him let out something that was between a sigh and a laugh.

"I never thought you would be one to be in an... unconventional relationship."

"That makes two of us, let me talk to Jake and I will call back."

"Ask her as well." Mav laughed a little, I didn't want to tell him that Jake and I had decided that we are going to be the ones in charge in this relationship from now on. We were going to take charge of her, our relationship would now be that of a dominant and submissive.

We got our sandwiches and I walked with the Black Ops Soldier.

"I will stay until you leave, but I will back off Lieutenant, please take care of her, she's doesn't deserve the rage that is being thrown at her..."

We stopped at the entrance of the resort and handed me the bag he was carrying, looking down at the open zipper seeing guns in there.

He turned and left, I walked to the elevator.

--- Hangman's Point of View ---

I put back on my pants, I told her to stay in the bed, she was curled up head right down on the mattress and she was looking at me.

I smiled at her and she gave me a shy smile back. There was a soft knock at the door, two quick and three slow, it was the signal that it was Bradley.

I walked over and opened it; he walked in and we locked the door behind us.

"He gave us weapons, he will watch us until we leave the area, Mav wants us back in Fightertown for now, there is an aircraft carrier off the coast, we can get a ride."

I looked over at her, she was looking at us intently, but she wasn't arguing, I let out a sigh and looked back up at Bradley, he brown eyes were asking the question.

"We should do that, get resources and our bearings."

We turned almost in unison to face her; she sat up and pulled the covers around her. This was one hell of a look on her, naked, submissive.

She looked at the sandwiches that Bradley was holding.

"Is one for me?"

"Yeah..." Brandley moved and handed it to her, she opened it and started eating. I wondered if she had been eating much, she seemed smaller, and I liked her soft curves.

"We are going back to Fightertown Baby Girl."

"I heard..."

She didn't argue with me about it, she seemed almost – resigned to what we wanted, I felt my stomach start to flutter at the realization that she was submitting.

I met eyes with Bradley, smirking at him. This was going to be interesting. I was handed my sandwich and I started eating.

"I will call Mav and tell him that we will be on the aircraft carrier." He walked out of the room, eating his sandwich and making a phone call.

I glanced over at her – she was so beautifully haunted, I loved the idea of sleeping next to her, having her in our arms, safe all night. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now