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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I have always been quick to think and even more so quick to act, but I found myself staring at the screen, staring but not really SEEING anything.

There was no way. NO FUCKING WAY, really, I couldn't imagine it, I knew that he tried to infiltrate them to protect me, but he was out, he was out wasn't he? They almost killed him...unless, that was a ploy.

Anxiety spiked in me, but I held back because I wanted to protect my baby from any stress. "How sure are you of this?"

"As sure as we can be, have you noticed anything strange about him? Anything that didn't seem to click into place if you knew what I mean."

'You mean other than the fact that he seemed to like to tag team with Bradley...no... should I have been paying more attention?' Yeah, like I was going to tell him that.

"Honestly, no." It was an honest answer.

"Are you sure that you are not just... blinded by your affection."

"You know if you have read my file that is unlikely, I'm pragmatic almost to a fault – I have noticed nothing."

He nodded.

"Am I in danger?"

I could tell that the question threw him for one, and he clearly thought it over.

"As long as you don't let on that you are away of our suspicions are you with Lieutenant Bradshaw you should be safe, I would think."

I let out a deep sigh.

"Is that why you were trying to get me to leave Rooster and Hangman and come into hiding with my baby?"

When I asked it, I was mostly sure of the answer to this question, but the guilty look on his face told me I had guessed right.

"Figures, that was an odd request."

"No one want's you or the baby hurt."

Irrational anger came over, I wanted to yell that he would never hurt the baby, but...now I had questions.

"I'll keep an eye on him and his movements."

"Please Chase, if anything indicates that he is a danger, please get out – we can protect and harbor Rooster, we know for sure that he is clean."

I nodded, disconnecting the message.

I walked over to the bed and laid down, pulling the covers up over my shoulders, over the years I have been able to get myself to sleep with ease in most situations.

{The Next Morning}

I woke up and instantly realized that I wasn't alone in bed, sitting up groggy and looking between the two of them, I fixated on Rooster, he really was handsome...

An arm moved around my upper body and I was pulled again a rock hard chest, Hangman face buried into the back of my neck as he kissed it.

"Hey..." He purred against the back of my neck.

I looked over at Rooster, and for the first time with Hangman I felt uneasy – or more over I realized just how dangerous he was, lethal.

I let out a moan when he wrapped his hand around my throat, not squeezing, just holding me there.

"You okay, why are you so tense?"

"I'm hungry... need a shower."

He hummed gently.

"I'll go out and get us breakfast and coffees, then Rooster and I are going to run drills, will you come and watch?"

I nodded, I felt him move off the bed, I couldn't look at him, after I heard him dress his finger was under my chin and made me look up at him.

He narrowed his eyes at me and I did my best to look innocent, wordlessly he kissed me and left the room, when the door shut I let out a shuttering breath that I was holding – somewhat an anguished cry.

"Woah...what is it?"

Rooster sat up, the sound I made had woken him up, wordlessly I hugged him.

"Fuck, you are shaking baby...easy, just breath."

I buried my head into his neck, I couldn't tell him what was going on, I didn't trust the situation right now at all – but I needed to feel him, I needed him close, it comforted me and I felt myself settle in my own skin. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now