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Warning!! Chapter may contain talks of BDSM possible uncomfortable situations, smoking, possible trigger warning for some parts.

Chapter also contains elements of toxic relationships. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

{4 Hours Later}

I started looking up and seeing Maverick coming into the room.

They had put me in the medical bay, a large room with medical beds, I was the only one in here, I was finishing up a saline drip.

"They said I was alright."

Ignoring me he simply walked over and sat down in the chair that he pulled up from the other side of the room.

"What happened? That was so out of line with what we know about you..."

"Look Han...Jake simply triggered something in my brain."

"What was the trigger?"

I shook my head running my fingers though my hair.

"Look can you just send in Roo...Bradley, I want to thank him for helping me."

"Okay, we are not at a place where you will talk to me, clearly – if he wants to come I'll tell him you asked for him, feel better."

Maverick quickly got up and left as abruptly as he came in, I was unsure as to why he was upset. 

It wasn't long before my hero of the night Rooster walked, in he smiled as he came over and sat on the edge of the bed, completely ignoring the chair beside the bed.

"Thank you for helping me. "

"No problem. Did he hurt you?"

"No, he wouldn't, but I don't want to talk about him. Look Rooster I'm tired of holding back, can we do can ask me to stop, but I just...need it..."

His eyes narrowed and he gave me a curious look.


I didn't let him finish his words, I put my hand on the back of his neck and pulled him into a kiss, he hesitated for all of a second before he put his hand on the back of my neck and kissed me harder, he removed my hand with his other then wrapped his other arm around my waist pulling me close.

He wanted to be in control clearly, after a while he pulled back, kissing my cheek before he pulled away.

"Chase, we can't..."

"Yes we can, as I said - I am tired of holding back, I want you to fuck me."

"Shit do not dangle something like that in front of me, it's like placing food in front of starving man."

"Then eat Rooster, I'm not teasing you here, this is me asking."

I moved my hands under his shirt and took it off over his head, he raised his arms and didn't fight me on it, the hospital bed was wide and I moved him to where he was laying down.

I reached for his pants and started to undo them, raking my nails across his nice stomach. 

He seemed to suddenly snap back into reality, he sat up and gently flipped me down onto my back, I looked up at him as he slowly undid his pants, lowering them

I gulped when I saw his cock, it was a little bit above average in size, yeah, that was going to stretch me out a bit, not that I minded. 

He reached down and undid my hospital gown, opening it up in front, I wasn't shy about him seeing me naked.

He moved his body so he was on top of me, he put quite a bit of pressure on me, so much so that I whimpered.

"Last chance to back out." He whispered in my ear, his breath was hot.

"Never..." I growled.

"Give me permission baby..."

"You have my permission, I want you so bad Rooster, please." I begged.

He moved one hand to hold my hip in place as he slowly sank his cock into me, I was wet and I wanted him but he was still wide and I started to let out a moan of pleasure.

His hand instantly covered my mouth as he fully pushed his cock in me.

"Shhh, bite my shoulder if you feel the need to scream."

With that he removed his hand from my mouth and slowly started pounding into me. At the pace he was going I understood why he meant about hunger.

"I'm not going to last long, it's been a while."

"For me to, it's okay, I want to feel you completely Rooster."

"Shit I didn't wear protection...sorry...I'll pull out."

"No, it's okay I can't get pregnant..."

He moved his hips mid stroke drawing a whimper of delight from me because he was hitting at a very sweet spot in me. He felt my reactions and didn't move from that spot each movement sent a ripple of pleasure through me.

"Fuck are you sure I can cum in you?"

"Yes, please." I begged again.

He kept on going, each movement making me whimper, he felt so good in me.

"I'm going to cum, you ready for it baby?"

He moved his hand under my lower back and raised me up as he buried his cock in me, I felt each pulse of it from the underside vein of his cock, while he was still cumming when he moved his head and kissed me, his tongue playing with me as he emptied himself in me, at the tail end of his orgasm I grabbed onto his shoulder as I came as well.

When he had finished he got off me and I covered myself up.

Looking closer at him I could see the shame and embarrassment on his face – that hurt me, was he ashamed and embarrassed of me? Of having sex with me?

Pride and stubbornness made it so I didn't say anything as he gathered his things, and not even saying goodbye he left the room, putting his shirt on as he did so.

"That's kind of rude." I muttered to a now empty room.

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now