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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I saw his eyes widen and after a moment his face broke out into a smile, he was really handsome, almost alarmingly so, not that Rooster wasn't handsome – they both were, just in this intimate moment between Hangman and me – it was deeper.

He moved his hands from my waist and put them on either side of my face holding me gently.

"A girl? You are sure?"

I nodded; I had no idea why I looked down after telling him that, it was almost like a reflex.

"Look at me please my love."

Instantly I looked up into his green eyes – noticing that there was a slight blue twinge in them, he kept eye contact with me for a while before leaning down and kissing me.

It was a serious kiss; he kept his hands on either side of my face and kept me there as he was kissing me.

Finally, he pulled away I let out a gasp of air, he had basically taken my breath away, literally in that moment.

"Thank you for her, thank you for mothering our daughter...does Rooster know>"

In that moment I played with the idea of lying to him about it, but I realized that I didn't want lies to be between us, and I knew that I had to trust me with this.


He nodded, and I couldn't tell exactly what he was thinking, because his expression wasn't giving anything away.

"Good...was he happy with a girl?"

That question was odd to me, not that Roosters opinion didn't matter, but honestly it kind of didn't matter.

"He seemed happy."

"I'm happy to, you are so fucking beautiful, and such a good girl." He praised stepping back he put his hand on my lower stomach, I loved the simple touch.

"Are you sure that you don't want a boy?" I questioned, he smiled and let out a soft laugh and I knew that it was a stupid question.

"Boy or girl, I want whatever you give me, so do I get you to myself?"

"Rooster says he will be home tomorrow or so, so yeah I am all yours."

"Good I was going to insist I get alone time with you. Please go pack a small overnight bag, and meet me out front." He said cryptically and his smile got wider if that was even possible.

"Okay." I smirked, I knew better than to ask, clearly, he wanted it to be a secret, I turned and made my way to my room, I quickly packed an overnight bag, and at the last minute I put in a small black number that I knew he would love to see me in.

I put the bag on my shoulder and walked out of the room, I walked across the way and to the building, it was mostly empty, and I nodded at the guy manning the front desk, when I got outside I saw right outside of the gate, Hangman was leaning against an RV.

I walked up to him and he reached out and took the bag and put it on his shoulder.

"We are going camping to a remote area that I know..." He smiled, I smiled at him, I wasn't worried about being alone with him, I was more intrigued about having some serious alone time with Hangman, with a smile I walked past him and grabbing the rail I moved up into the RV, putting my trust into him completely. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now