Blood Ran Cold

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships – this chapter talks about MURDER and MURDER FOR HIRE so trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I was riding him, when my orgasm hit me, it crept up and my body stilled as I came.

"Good girl..." He growled, gently he wrapped his arms around my waist and with the upmost care and an amazing amount of strength he flipped me over onto my back, all the while taking care of my injury.

I was under him now, he positions my legs around him and the entered me again.

I knew I was safe with him, I was safe with my Rooster, I started to cry openly and without shame.

He reached down and put his hand on my stomach, then reached up to cup my breast, he clearly knew why I was upset, and knew that it wasn't because he was hurting me.

"I miss him too my love...."

That made me cry harder, because that stupid motherfucker was alive, very much alive, but he was, he...he wasn't who I thought he was.

And Rooster didn't know who I really was, if I was honest Rooster matches me more as a boyfriend but Hangman – I never had to hid from him.

I knew my relationship with Rooster would be over when he found out who I am, the weapons I have created – the sheer destruction and death I have caused. He had asked who the 'monster' was that created that missile, what will happen when he finds out that I am the monster.

"Come back to me baby, focus... let me see those beautiful green eyes."

I looked back up sharply at Rooster, his brown eyes were worried as he put his hand on the side of my face, I licked my lips swallowing, he was still moving in me as he whipped my tears with the pad of this thumb.

"Where did your mind and focus go?"

"Just...missing him." I lied.

"I understand, concentrate on me baby, do you like what I am doing to you, do you like feeling me inside you?"

I actually did as he asked, I focused on where our bodies were meeting, I reached up and grabbed his upper arms, feeling the strong muscle under my hands – I moved my right hand and tangled it in his hair, I focused on feel of him in me, making me feel so full it was stunning.

He knew how to move his body to please, and he was just so...male.

"That's a good girl, that's my good beautiful girl, are you ready for me to cum in you?"

"Y...yes..." In noticing and focusing on what he was doing, I realized that I was kind of sore, he worked my body hard.

He put one hand under my hips, and throwing my upper torso back a little bit on the bed, as he raised my hips against him.

I could practically feel his cock pressed up against my cervix as he came, it was almost painful. When he started to cum he put his other hand behind my head and leaned down kissing me hard, his tongue slipping in and playing with mine.

When he finished me moaned against my mouth and gently getting up off of me he pulled out, laying down next to me, I turned and snuggled against him as he pulled me deeper into his arms.

"I should shower, you made a mess of me..." I teased, he let out a laugh.

"I'll join you, then we will get some sleep, we have quite the drive tomorrow."

--- Hangman's Point of View ---

{Coffee Shop}

"So is the reason that you contacted me to help kidnap her?" I asked, doing my best to sound as off handed as possible.

The three men exchanged glances, and by their expressions I knew that I was wrong.

"You misunderstand." One expressed, his accent was hard to place.

"We don't intend to take her prisoner, she's a butcher of humans, no we intended to kill her."

At hearing someone say that about my girl...I felt my blood run cold.

"What do you need me for?"

"We know that the two of you are, involved, you could get close enough to her to do what needs to be done."

I felt like I was going to throw up, but I had to fight the emotions and go along with this, I was wearing a wire, and I was terrified they would figure me out.

I took a sip of a water on the table and refocused myself.

"One problem, the military thinks I am dead, and she thinks I'm dead as well." Saying that out loud re shattered my already broken heart. I missed her but I knew she was in good hands with Rooster.

The looked at one another and let out chuckles of amusement at something.

"Then your reunion with her will be a sweet one."

My blood ran cold again, they were fucking serious, they wanted ME to be the one to kill her.  

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now