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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships – lot's or red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Rooster's Point of View ---

"What do you mean it was Maverick asked you to, since when do you ever listen to him?"

I watched as he let out a very annoyed sigh.

"Look you and I both know that Chase has more than a few targets on her back. Maverick had a point when he said that we both draw a lot of attention to her, now the people after her know me – but they do not know you – she is safter with you."

"That may be true but do you know how much it hurt her when you said that you were not in love with her..."

"I'm..." I cut him off with a look.

"Don't you dare say that you are sorry, you didn't have to see how destroyed she was."

"It destroyed me to..." I stepped back when I saw him start to cry, not sobbing but there were tears going down his cheeks.

"I miss both of you."

"Then come back to us, she will make it so there are no obstacles if you leave this ship and come over to ours. Come on Hangman, she is in the room waiting for me – if you came with me."

He sook his head and stepped back, turning to the side he leaned against the wall.

"He's right, as dick of a move that Maverick made, he had a point and you know it. Until something with her situation get resolved you know she is safter with you."

I turned and hit the wall with my palm, the pain seemed to ease out some of my anger, anger at the situation, anger at Maverick for putting this worry and shit in Hangman's head.

"She needs you Jake...she needs both of us." I softly muttered, using his name, we rarely called each other by our names, it was intimate and personal.

"I know, just stay with her and help her for now, this isn't forever, I will rejoin you two."

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"She might not forgive you."

The moment I said it I felt bad, looking up I saw the fear and worry.

"She will..."

I shook my head, I made a move to go, then stopped turned and grabbed the back of his head, he didn't resist as I kissed his forehead.

"You're an asshole – because not I am going to have to lie to her as well." I muttered, before turning and leaving the boat.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I was woken up by someone touching me, looking up I saw in the darkness that it was Rooster. I had stripped down and was laying naked on top of the bed.

"Where did you go?" I asked, he was wearing his tan military fatigues, she looked handsome and professional.

"I tried to go see him, he wasn't interested...I'm sorry."

He slowly put my on my stomach and I felt him start to move above me, grabbing my hair and slightly pushing my head into the pillow..."


"Easy... get up on all fours..." I obeyed.

"What do you say if you want this to stop...what color."


"Good girl, what is your color now?"


"I'm going to go slow; I want your ass..." As he said this I heard him unbuckle his pants and the familiar sound of a super, with a moan I felt him press his cockhead against my hole, he had used lube – did he carry it in his pocket or something?

Slowly he pressed into me, his large calloused hands were on my naked hips pulling me back, I squirmed a little, anal to me was the ultimate surrender.

I could feel the anger almost come off him in waves, I made sure that I was completely submitting him him, when he was balls deep in me he started to move with more rough purpose, he leaned forward and kissed between my shoulder blades.

"We are going to be okay, we are going to be alright..."

I let out a sob, he slowed, but I didn't say the safe word so he continued, he buried his head into my neck and without warming I felt the bottom in his cock, where the vein ran pulse as he came in me. He let out a growl and moan that was more animal than human.

Gently he removed his still hard cock and turned me over, laying on my back he cuddle me gently, putting his hand on the back of my head, he put a bit of weight on me, it didn't hurt but it let me know that I was completely under his control.

"I love you..." He muttered, trying to catch his breath, after a moment he pulled himself up off of me, I watched as he put myself back into his pants.

"I need to call Maverick, I'll be back in a few moments..." There was something in is voice that worried me, but I had no idea how to address it. I simply let him leave the room. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now