Red Herring

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

"Chase? Can you wake up?"

I startled awake at hearing my name – breathing hard and my heart rate elevating I sat up and looked around, after a moment my eyes fell on the computer screen, seeing someone from the dark ops, different from the black ops on the screen.

"What do I have to do to get some real rest around here?" I groaned.

"I'm sorry?"

With a sigh I got up off of the bed and then walked over to the chair and sat down in it. I really wanted a beer, but I couldn't because of my new little passenger.

I looked up at him, not clarifying what I said, technically I wasn't in the military, and I didn't have to salute anyone, so I didn't feel the need to show this person respect that wasn't earned.

This guy might be a big shot to some, but I didn't care, hell I didn't even remember his name. But I was more than a little bit irritated at being pestered.

"Well, is there a reason you are calling me? And how on earth did you hack me and get on screen, just to warn you I don't think that you should just pop up on screen like this unannounced, I'm not sure you want to see me getting railed by Lieutenants Bradshaw and Seresin – frequently at the same time." I deadpanned.

His expression was PRICELESS, he looked like he was about to swallow his own tongue.

I shook my head.

"I'll just put up a harder firewall, I should crash your own system for daring to breach my privacy like this – I'll ask again but only once more, what do you need?"

I loved how awkward he seemed to be now, good, I wanted rest – don't mess with a pregnant women who designed weapons.

"We need to talk about Seresin."

"What about him?"

"We are planning on taking him in for questioning."

Question my ass, I have a feeling the might question him 'aggressively', yeah no way he is going anywhere. "Off site?"

"Yes, we are going to take him to our beta site and..."

"Absolutely not, over my dead fucking body."

"Excuse me?"

"I'm not going to pussyfoot around about this, I have more sway than you do, I think that you are wrong about him and I'm going to allow him to be

"I'm going to activate one of my backup programs."

"B...Backup, what do you mean backup?"

"In other words, it's a red herring, it's a diversion of sorts, now what I am really working on – I'm taking all my stuff off base and onto a private serve, that is my right to do so."

"I know that if I push this you are going over my head, but I think you are wrong about Seresin – he is dangerous, and you shouldn't be around him."

I said nothing, taking a deep breath he continued, but his hesitation in his voice. "I know that it is complicated, that you might be having his chi..."

"Do not finish that sentence."

He rubbed his temples.

"Fine, he is your problem, but if he sees and detects your deception, you need to get away from him, we have an extraction plan... for both you and Lieutenant Bradshaw."

"Thank you..." I muttered.

The screen went dark, and like I promised I got on the server and put up my firewall and started to implement the red herring program.

I just hoped that my boys would give me a bit of time, they had to be wrong about Hangman, I had a feeling it wasn't a black and white sort of situation.  

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now