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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

"Are you okay, is the baby okay?"

His voice stammered and held a very painful tone of worry and when he tried to pull me away from him, I just wrapped my arms harder around him and buried my face into his neck.

Getting the hint he simply wrapped his arms around me and gently rocked me while I allowed myself to calm down.

After a while I pushed back and looked at him, he was so handsome, I loved his deep brown eyes.

"We are both okay." It was a bare faced lie, but I really didn't want to worry him too much.

I reached down and started to pull down his boxers, he stopped me – pulling my hands up he kissed them holding the against his chest.

"I want this baby – I really do, please never think that I don't want you, but I fell that something is wrong, and I this doesn't feel right – besides Hangman should be back soon."

"Are you worried about Hangman seeing us fucking?" I teased, mostly because I wondered what his answer would be.

"It's not that."

I thought about it for a moment.

"You know what, you have't fucked me out of his site for a while, just the two of us."

"Yes I have."

"Not as much as I would like."

He looked down, there was almost a sheepish look to his face.

"What is it Bradley..."

His eyes looked back up wide at me at the use of his first name.

"I wonder if you like sleeping with him more."

I knew that this would be a problem, fucking two guys at once there is bound to be some jealously.

"Do you want the truth?"

"Yes." I cold tell by his tone of voice that he was scared.

"Your sex is more emotionally satisfying to me, I feel a deeper connection to you – so I want to fuck you Rooster, I would let you touch me and do things to me that I would never let Hangman do – if you would just step up..."

"Breakfast and coffee delivered... you know many people are asking questions, because some of the still think that Chase is an assistant to Vice Admiral Simpson...woah – sorry, am I interrupting?" He smirked.

"Continue, don't mind me, I always have been kind of a voyeur – you should fuck her Rooster, you always fly better when you don't have any pent-up energy."

Without giving me any real warning Rooster flipped me over onto my back, stripping me down.


"Yes." I whimpered as he mounted me from behind, I closed my eyes as she started fucking me from behind – he was rougher than he normally was, I buried my head into the pillow biting it. He came quickly, finishing deeply in me. I felt his cum drip out as he pulled out.

"Sorry...I'll take care of you after we run drills."

With a sigh turned to my side feeling a bit used – not that it was a bad thing, but I watched as took a breakfast plate from Hangman and handed it to me.

It was your standard American breakfast – I took a few bites, looking down at the bed, I was going to change the sheets before they got back.

"I'll go talk to Cyclone, there shouldn't be any questions about what you are doing." I muttered, when I looked up I saw Hangman staring at me, I was terrified he was betraying me. I gave him a smile, getting up I walked into the bathroom, ready to take a long and hot shower.   

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now