Please Be Mine

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I watched as Rooster left the room, honestly, I was craving pizza so badly it was ridiculous – this wasn't a normal craving...could this be my first official pregnancy craving?

I let out a happy went Before I knew it Hangman was on me, flipping me over on my back.

"Hi." He grinned at me, he kissed the tip of my nose, making me giggle.

"Hi." I smiled back, still laughing a little – there was a playfulness in his green eyes that made my heart melt.

I looked over his shoulder making my eyes wide, he got up a little off of me and looked behind himself, I used this moment to move out from under him and start to run.

He was quicker than I thought – damn Navy boys, he grabbed me around the waist, I couldn't help but giggle, my heart racing, I kind of liked the idea of being hunted.

He moved me over to the bed and pinned me under him, leaning down he nuzzled his face into my neck moving to my throat before pulling back.

"Do you want to make out?"

I let out a laugh at the question, but he was giving me a very serious look.

"Uh, yeah."

He leaned his head and at the same time put his hand on the back of my head and our lips met.

Sure they had kissed me before, but Hangman was currently KISSING me – that was one thing I would never admit to anyone but myself, Hangman definitely wins at the kissing gave, Rooster is hesitant and loving...but Hangman was like an animal, usings his body, hands and lips to let me know what he wanted.

I found that I could relax and just let him take control of the situation, he interlocked our fingers and roughly raised my arms above my head, still kissing me he used those fucking sexy core muscles of him to get on his knees on either side of my hips and continue kissing me.

He stopped for a moment and I turned my head to the side, gasping, a few times, and before I knew it he was back at it again.

After a moment I started pulling at his clothes, I wanted nothing between us, he pulled back and got off the bed, I guess my body language had told him what I wanted, as quickly as I could I undressed, he was on me again, kissing me.

He continued to make out with me but he wouldn't do it – he wouldn't start fucking me, no matter how much I moved against him and whined, he was denying me what I wanted.

Finally, he broke away from me.

"If you want it, you are going to have to fuck me..."

I let out a cry that was somewhere between utterly painful arousal and rage – he had worked my body up into a frenzy, I flipped him over onto his back.

"That's my girl..." he purred as I mounted him.

Neither one of us had realized that Rooster was gone way longer than he had said – all that I wanted was release from the tension that Hangman had wound up in me.

I looked down, his hand was on my lower stomach, and he was giving it a very soft look.

"Please be mine..." He muttered, so softly I almost didn't hear him.

--- Rooster's Point of View ---

I got lost in the conversation with Calliope and Mav, when she offered me a pizza I took it, trying not to blush.

I had no idea why she was having his effect on me – she was so beautiful and smelled nice – Chase wasn't my usual type – but Calliope was – don't get me wrong, I was deeply in love with Chase, that wasn't in question, but this girls smile was wide and I found that she made me relaxed.

I listened to her life story and I told her mine, as an side effect I simply lost track of time I turned and saw the server standing there holding a few pizza boxes.

"They are getting cold..." She said, suddenly reality came back to me.

Chase, the fact that she was pregnant – the

"It was lovely meeting you."

I smiled at her; guilt started to fill me.

"You to...Calliope..."

I turned and all but ran out of the pizza place, looking at my phone I saw neither one of them had called, shit – how in the hell was I going to explain that I was flirting that was why I was late – yeah I was going to have to lie. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now