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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

"No matter how hard I try, I can't get used to how cold a desert get's when the sun sets." I shivered as I wrapped a blanket around me, the temperature dropped so dramatically that my body was arguing with me about it.

But we had to be outside in order to see the meteor shower.

"I understand that – I'll cuddle you in a moment and that should help, how is the baby doing?"

"Hungry." I pouted at him and he let out a laugh and walked to the RV and opened the door before looking over at me.

"I'll make you a sandwich, we have roast beef..." He started to say.

"Do you have Swiss cheese?" I asked a little bit too quickly, earing myself a wide smile for him.


"I'll take a roast beef and swiss please."

"Coming right up." His smile melted my heart, he was so handsom, in a way that as different from Rooster, but still, how did I land two men like them.

He disappeared into the RV, and I heard him move around, I shivered again and then got more wood for the fire, I knew that it would die down and we would sleep in the RV, I could cuddle Hangman to keep warm.

I found that I enjoyed having this alone time with each of them, I had enjoyed being alone with Rooster and now being alone with Hangman – still

I jumped a little bit when he came out, with a large plate, two sandwiches and a huge pile of barbecue chips on them, he also had two large bottles of water, he handed me the water, and then set the plate down in front of us.

"Thank you, damn this looks really good."

"I'm glad your appetite seems to be recovering."

I gave him a look as I took a big bite of my sandwich, he had made it perfectly, seriously – the perfect ration of cheese to meat to mayo.

"I think it is because you make me so comfortable – by the way you make good sandwiches."

"Thank you babe." I saw the blush creep up his neck for a moment. We kept on eating when his phone alarm went off, he set his sandwich down in and excited manner.

"Ok – it's time, let's look."

He started to move the telescope, I watched him realizing that he knew how to operate that, he looked over at me then smiling he motioned for me to come.

I put my eyes to the hole and saw the streaks of light going through the sky.

"Woah..." I looked again then pulled back and let him take a look, he adjusted it again.

"That is the north star."

I looked again at the meteor shower; I looked up seeing the streaks a little in the night sky but the telescope helped.

I pulled back.

"How long have you been into astronomy."

"Since I was little boy, actually I wanted to be an astronaut, but life didn't turn out that way and I before a fighter pilot." There was a sadness in his voice, I wanted to press but I knew if he wanted to tell me the details he would, I realized that given his personality it wouldn't be good to press him.

"I want you."

I looked over at him and saw that he was giving me the look, the look of desire and darkness that I had come to accept was him.

"You still cold?"

"Yes sir."

"Good I'm going to warm you up." He grabbed the blanket from me and laid it down on the ground, before I knew what was happening he moved me onto my back, putting his weight on me he kissed me roughly, showing me without question who was in charge right now.  

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now