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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships, sexual sharing is in this so trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

This was such an unfamiliar but exciting feeling for me, being with them after so long.

I realized they were taking complete and utter control of me, and I'm not just saying in the bedroom, even though that was a huge part of it. But emotionally, I was naturally submitting to them, letting them take control of my very life, anything they asked me to do, I would do it and not argue.

I let out a shuttering sob, trying as hard as I could to get a hold of myself.

"Talk to us Chase...please don't keep it in."

"There is nothing to say."

I let out a little whine as Hangman's grip on me tightened, it was a warning, I knew that it was a warning of some kind, that I needed to watch it.

"I'm scared."

"We are as well."

"What are we going to do, I never meant to be with either one of you, I was just in Fightertown to hide, I shouldn't have gotten close, I shouldn't have lied to you Rooster, I shouldn't have gone after you Hangman, I shouldn't..."

Roosters hand wrapped around my throat and I looked up at him, pure male domination.

This is where I was having trough, I am a weapons specialist, I have created things that have killed thousands and aircraft that fly, I have broken the gender barrier many times over, but being here with them – I was there fucking slave.

"You can't undo the past, and never say you regret us, because we don't."

"How can you both have me?"

"Let us worry about that dynamic, there is something bothering you, as I said before, talk to us."

How could they tell my own emotions before I had really worked on them myself.

"I can't choose." I felt the both them tense a little, and looking between them I could see the hint of confusion on there faces.

"What do you mean?"

"Between the two of you, I can't pick between the two of you, I don't know who I would want."

I was cut off by Hangman "You will never have to pick, let us handle it."

"Get some rest, you look exhausted, even before we fucked you..." Rooster teased, I was in his arms and I closed my eyes, all but forcing myself to fall asleep.

When I woke up I realized that I was no longer laying on Rooster, Hangman felt different than he did, I looked up, Hangman looked down and gave me a happy and lazy smile.

"Where is Rooster?"

"He's talking to the Vice Admiral and your bodyguard, we are seeing where we go from here, I wanted to stay with you."

"Oh, okay."

I moved against him a bit, he let out a seductive laugh.

"Eager to have me?"

I whimpered at the teasing tone of his voice, because he was right, I wasn't sure why I was so horny.

"Fuck you just want it so bad don't you little one?"

With one move he flipped me over onto my back, and I spread my legs like a slut as he settled in between them. He didn't give me any time to anticipate before his cock was buried in me, just having him near made me wet.

He laid most of his weight on me.

The way he was moving and his aura, it was as if he was showing me who is in charge, he was simply, strong, male and had needs.

"Who do you belong to?" He growled in my ear.

"You..." I whined.

"Hmm...that's not right is it, try again."

"You and Rooster..."

"That's right, are you going to obey us in whatever we decide?"

I turned my head and cried a little, he didn't slow down but he did kiss my tears.

"I know it's hard to let go, it's a lot to ask of you, ease yourself, let me have you...Rooster is also bringing food."

I swallowed hard and ran my hand down his muscled arms and back, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now