Bad Feeling

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships, - so trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I moved in and out of consensus the whole time, the bleeding in my shoulder had stopped but it felt like I had been thrown from a city building then run over by a car.

We finally got somewhere, Rooster parked, and I heard him get out, I was shocked when the side door opened and he reached in and pulled me from Hangman's arms.

I whimpered because I didn't want to be separated from Hangman.

Rooster pulled me up into his arms, I buried my head into his shirt, we had stopped at a really nice hotel, we were being lead in the back door.

I looked over and saw Hangman was carrying a large bag.

I closed my eyes as I was taken in the elevator and taken to the top part of the hotel, in just a few quick strides we were in the room and the door was closed behind us.

"Thank god they didn't ask questions...let's get you cleaned up..."

"Hey there is a bathtub in here." Hangman's voice called, you heard the water start going, Rooster laid you down on the bed and you let him strip you down, shivering in the cold, you felt like you should be embarrassed being fully naked but you couldn't be – he had seen every inch of you.

He picked you up and carried you into the bathroom, slowly sinking you down into the tub. The water felt good on your sore body.

Both Hangman and Rooster were knelling down next to the tub.

"Why are you not looking at us baby?" You were looking at the opposing wall, you didn't want to look at him.

"You should just leave me hear, I am not worth all of this pain and suffering."

"Look at me..." Rooster barked.

I didn't look over at him, roughly Rooster put his hands on my chin and made me look at him, his brown eyes held dark intensity that both scared and excited me.

"Why on earth do you think that we would never do that?"

"We just found you, and there is no way we are giving you up. If you say that again I will fucking punish you."

I made a move to protest but Rooster put his hands on the back of my neck, the force of it made my body relax as he pulled me into a rough and angry kiss.

At the same time, I felt Hangman's hand move up my stomach and with a soft washcloth he started cleaning my wound.

I shuttered and let out a cry that was muted by Roosters rough kiss, while Hangman was cleaning the painful wound on my shoulder wound, I allowed myself to be distracted by Roosters kiss – he was an amazing kisser, he kept kissing me passionately, not letting me move as Hangman cleaned me.

Rooster pulled away when Hangman washed your hair, then he was right back to kissing you. Soon I felt Rooster get pulled away from me, looking up, Rooster was blushing, Hangman picked me up, I was sore, but I felt clean and that was an improvement.

After a moment I was laid down on the bed, I looked up at Hangman, noticing his handsome five o'clock shadow.

"Lay down on your back, let me dress the wound."

I did as I was told, noticing that the whole time he was patching me up, he lazily looked my body over, like a lion looking at a steak, I looked over and saw Rooster watching, giving me the same look.

When Hangman finished, he stood up and looked at Rooster, something wordless passed between them, I was confused. "We will be right back."

Both moved around the corner and after a moment I heard the shower start, I moved and got into bed, the tears came without warning and they didn't stop, I closed my eyes trying my best to sleep.

I hardly felt when they both got into bed until they put me between them holding me. I made a move to leave but I was held in place.

"No you don't." I wrapped my arms around Hangman, who was in front of me, and Rooster put his back to me.

"We need to sleep, things will be calmer after we had slept."

Rooster was right, feeling safe and loved in their arms I feel asleep, but I couldn't shake a bad feeling that was starting to emerge, something in the shadows that was coming, and I was powerless to stop it.  

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now