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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships, and physical altercations so trigger warning for that. 

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

---Hangman's Point of View ---

I came back to the base with the pizza, I had the drive there the time it took to order the pizza then drive it back to think about what I was shown.

She had faked her death, and I really couldn't really fault her on that or be mad, because it is the same thing that I did.

But I was terrified that her enemies knew that she was alive.

I walked into the base, it was a minor crew and I walked right in, I stopped seeing Rooster sitting up in bed, there was a far off look in his face, something that broke my heart.

He had found out what I did, but do I dare tell him that she is alive.

"Bradley..." I softly replied, he turned and looked at me, his eyes were wide with shock, but a small smile reached his lips as he saw me, I moved closer and handed him a slice of pizza with a napkin. He looked a it with hesitation.

"Please eat, you need to."

I took a bite and watched as he hesitantly took a few bites, before setting it aside.

"I didn't mean to fall in love with her Jake, I didn't mean to..." He sobbed gently.

"Me either."

{One Week Later - Garza Blanca Resort & Spa at Los Cabos, Mexico}

I walked over to where he was on a recliner on the beach, I set down a beer by him, we decided to take one more shore leave – the Vice Admiral granted it and cited bereavement in our files.

Both me and him had a chance to go our separate ways, and under normal circumstances we would have, but Chase kept us together some way.

He didn't even mention it, her simply asked where I wanted to go.

I hadn't heard from the people who are trying to kill her, they were some religious fanatics that blamed her for the death of millions, I hoped I had fallen off their radar.

But the guilt was killing me, I looked around and saw that we were mostly alone as the sun was setting.

"Bradley, I have to tell you something."

That got his attention, he turned over and looked at me.

"What is it."

"The day we were told about her death, the day that I came back, the people who I was meeting with...they sent me this picture."

He took it and looked at it, I saw him swallow hard.

"What is this?"

"It's a picture of her, the day after she had supposedly died."

His eyes narrowed.

"You knew she was alive?"

"Ye..." before I could finish my sentence Rooster full on punched me in the face.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

{Ten Minutes Earlier - Garza Blanca Resort & Spa at Los Cabos, Mexico}

I pulled my bag into the elevator, my handler smiled at me, I was scared because I felt like he was up to something.

"This is a nice place that you picked for us."

"I thought you deserved someplace nice."

"Are you going to get me killed or something, because you are acting really suspect." We got off the floor and he went to the edge that was looking over into a huge courtyard.

He was looking down at something.

I looked, seeing one gentleman walking to the beach area, he was carrying two beers, even from this vantage point I knew who it was.

"Hangman..." I whispered, looking at him in shock backing up until my back hit the wall behind me and I looked at him, my whole body shaking as I realized why we had come here.

"Don't hate me for doing this, I have a feeling they need to know that you are alright, the Vice Admiral, Pete Mitchell don't need to know, but they do, from all that I have discovered, they love you."

"You have got to be kidding..." I balked at him.

"I'm not, we are not leaving until you reunite with them and explain everything." 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now