Three Of Us

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships so trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

"That is so fucking manipulative." I growled, shaking my head, we got to the floor and we started making our way to the room, I wanted to be out of the line of sight of anyone.

"Look you have been sulking the whole time, and you are making them suffer."

We walked into the room, looking around I smiled at the nice accommodations, that was cooling my temper, I put my bag on the bed and sat down on it, pouting.

Crossing his arms he gave me a rough look, eyes narrowed.

"Don't pout, just do as I ask."

"Fine...I will only talk to them at night." He looked a bit shocked at my request, but after a moment he shrugged.

I smiled, because I am female, a warm-blooded female I wanted to make an impression on them at being...reunited.

I felt my heart start to pick up at the idea of touching them again, I was shocked at

--- Rooster's Point of View ---

{9 Hours Later}

"I'm sorry I hit you like that, I...I just..."

I looked over and saw Hangman walking over to me and sitting on the chair in the room, he was holding a pack of ice against his eye, after giving me a small smile he pulled it away, I let out an apologetic hiss at seeing the black eye forming.

"It's okay, honestly I shouldn't have kept it from you as long as I had..."

"She's alive...I don't know what to think, do we know where she is?"

He shook his head and tossed the bag of ice on the table, putting his head in his hands and letting outa deep sigh.

"No idea."

"We need to find her..."

In and instant, the lights went out, we looked around confused for a moment.

"Or let her find out."

Both Hangman and I jumped up in shock seeing a fully armed what looked like black ops soldier standing in the room, the moonlight make him easy to see.

"Who are you..."

"You don't need to know, do you two have any weapons in the room, anything to defend yourselves?"

Hangman and Rooster gave one another a confused look.

"I am asking if you have any weapons."

Hangman and I exchanged glances again, eyes narrowed wondering what this was all about, I was on edge.

"We are off duty, so no...what is your rank?"

"You don't need to know, I'm going to get you some weapons...come in." He barked behind his shoulder.

He looked at the door and it slowly opened, walking into the dark room in the moonlight was Chase. I felt my pulse race, she was wearing a white sundress and her hair was down.

I let out a unmanly sob in front of this stranger and Hangman – but I didn't give a shit, she all but ran into my arms, I hugged her to me.

"I'll leave her with you for the night...we need to keep the power off in this room, safety reasons." I heard the guy leave the room, Hangman walked to the door and locked it.

I grabbed her throat – roughly letting her know that I mean business, looking down at her I saw tears in her eyes, I licked my lips at her then forcefully still holding her throat I kissed her roughly, bruising her lips.

She whimpered and didn't fight me, I pushed her back catching my breath, Hangman stepped forward and wrapped his arm around her waist, pressing up against her, she gasped, realizing she was in between us.

"We have all been stupid, we have done everything we can to fight this including making the other believe that one of us is dead, why are we fighting this..."

"I'm sorry Chase, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have reacted that way, I was just scared." I sobbed, she nodded.

"It's okay..."

I looked and saw Hangman starting to unzip her dress, she gasped at that, he leaned down.

"We are going to have you tonight, I think all three of us need this."

She looked down submissively saying nothing.

"Do you consent?" He pressed.


He unzipped the dress and lowered it down, she was complete naked between us. A primal feeling started to enter my brain. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now