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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission,
oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

"Fuck,'s been so long babe..." He moaned, I smiled to myself as I continued to work him, he didn't force me down on his cock.

"Can I cum..."

I pulled myself up and nodded at him, then got back to work, after what felt like a disappointingly short amount of time – I was quite enjoying giving this man a blow job. I could sense that he was about to cum – he started to move about a bit more, and seemed to hesitate to grab my hair.

His hips raised up

When he came he let out a moan, and I swallowed it, he kept cumming longer than I thought he should, it was like he had pent up sexual frustration.

I pulled back and wiped my mouth, he looked up at me, giving me that blank look of a guy who was blissed out from an orgasm.

I got up and walked over to the sink, I started to wash my mouth out with mouthwash then brushed my teeth.

"That was amazing baby. What a wake up call."

"You're welcome..." I didn't say it out loud, but I really did enjoy making him cum like that, it made me more hedonistic than I normally am.

He sat up and rubbed his eyes, we both jumped when the phone on the wall rang, I hadn't really noticed that it was there, instantly I picked it up.

"Hello." I cleared my throat hearing how deep my voice sounded.

"Hi this is the Vice Admiral, sorry to disturb you but do you think your..." He passed as if he was trying to find the right words, but was failing to find the proper thing to say. "Bunk mate, would be will to help run some flight drills off the deck, just mid-range drill."

It legitimately took everything, and I do mean everything in my power not to laugh at the term 'bunk mate' I mean – of all the terms he could have used, 'boyfriend' was on the table, honestly the protocol of the military.

"Let me ask him."

"Rooster, are you willing to help run drills off the deck?"

I watched as he ran a hand across his face.


I turned my attention back to the phone.

"He said yes...when do you need him?"


I glanced at the clock it was 8:20 am.

"Alright, he will be there."

With a soft sigh I hung up. "Forty minutes." Smiling I walked over to him and he opened his arms, he was sitting on the bed and I moved to sit in his lap and he wrapped his arms around me and gave me a cute squeeze, he put his forehead in-between my shoulder blades. 

"Are you going to come up and watch me?" He asked, blushing for some reason I looked away. "Wouldn't miss it."

{5 Hours Later}

I watched him walk across the flight deck.

He was so fucking handsome wearing his flight gear, for the first time I noticed that he walked with a little bit of swagger.

I continued to watch as he walked and got into an aircraft, it wasn't his and you looked at the side of it for the name, and I couldn't see it clearly. 

Reaching down I grabbed onto the binoculars and looked at the name on the side, and I felt my heart almost stop at what was written across the side, you wondered if he noticed, he must not have because if he noticed the name I were sure that he would give pause.

On the side as clear as day was LT Jake "Hangman" Seresin

He was flying Hangman's plane?

What the hell? Why is that here?

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now