Confliction of Emotions

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

Rooster ignored Hangman, I felt his hand go across my cheek and wrap around the back of my neck, pulling me away from the wall but holding me in place.

I was right up against him, the smell of beer and his cologne mixing into something wonderful.

"This doesn't involve you, Jake."

"Oh, I think it does, please get your hands off her."

"You know that we made love yesterday?" Rooster threw at him.

I balked, not only had he said that out loud for anyone to hear, but he said it to Hangman's face, I looked over and saw his green eyes narrow, I could see that he was holding back his anger.

"Wow you cheated on Amberle, were you not window shopping for engagement rings a few weeks ago? I didn't think you had that in you, I'm the ones who is supposed to be an asshole."

I learned two things in this moment, one his girlfriend's name was Amberle and the relationship was a bit more serious.

It made me sick to my stomach, if I had known I would have never crossed the line.

I looked up into his brown eyes and saw the guilt.

"Oh Rooster..." I breathed sadly.

"This is before I met you. Things have changed...everything has, I know you feel it as well." He whimpered in a whisper.

"I know, I feel it and it scares me..." I whispered back, opening up about my feelings.

"Then why are you with him?"

"It's complicated."

"Try me..."

"Chase, come to me." I looked over at Hangman, it was a dominant command, and I knew the deeper meaning of it went over Roosters head.

"She's not a dog Jake."

"Chase. Come. To. Me." He leveled at me, ignoring Rooster.

He was asking me to pick between them in the moment, I was hurt over how Rooster had treated me after we were intimate, and the fact that he was tied to someone when he asked me out, giving me false impression that he was available.

I stepped out of his arms, and walked over to Hangman, who like Rooster but his hand around the back of my neck and pulled me into his chest.

"Good girl." He whispered at the back of my ear, soft enough that Rooster couldn't hear.

"Go back to your girlfriend Bradley..."

"What is going on here." I looked up to see Amberle come out of the bar. "I was looking for you baby..." She walked up to Rooster, I had to look away, it hurt seeing them, ridiculous I know but it still hurt.

I heard a Hummer...actually two of them I would guess drive up, I looked over and saw two drive up and park right by us.

"What the fuck..." Hangman muttered.

The door opened and Beau stepped out, coming up to me.

"Sorry to cut your time off Chase but I need you back on base."

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now