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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships, so trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I was standing on the upper deck looking down at his aircraft, he was in a single one now, he looked up at and me waved.

I waved back, I put on a happy face for him, but my heart was breaking because I missed Hangman. I watched as Rooster got into the aircraft and was moved to the catapult.

I thought that I might go into the control room and watch him from there, but I was also enjoying the sea air immensely, it was clearing my cluttered head.

I heard someone clear their throat beside me, but I had the utter self-control not to react to it immediately, I decided to ignore it and let the person talk first.

"Is everything alright?" I jumped a little, turning to see the Vice Admiral of the ship standing near me, giving me a worried look.

I had an odd realization, I was part of the military but I wasn't necessary bound by any rank, the government wanted my brain and my inventions so I was kind of given free range.

"It is...I'm just here to watch."

"So... Lieutenant Bradshaw, I heard some scuttlebutt that you were with a Lieutenant Seresin."

I did my best not to react to it – I wasn't sure if he was trying to bait me or just a curious person, and to simply focus as the launched Rooster, I put in my ear piece to hear what was going on.

"It's complicated."

"I gathered, we have some people looking for Seresin...to no luck."

I looked over at him and looked directly in his eyes.

"Thank you for that and thank you for taking Rooster and I back home."

"No problem, it's a honor to actually talk to you and meet you."

I looked him up and down, I felt myself start to warm to him a little bit.

"Sorry for my coldness, I have had a rough time trusting people...Rooster and...just Rooster has been the one that I could trust."

"Stabbed and shot...how are you still walking?"

"They were not life threatening, just painful. May I go into the control room, I would like to watch Rooster fly."

He used his arm to lead the way, I walked into the control room, it was dark with a blue glow on the screen, he stepped forward and told one of the controllers to move, when he did he had me sit down.

"Thank you..." I sighed putting on the headset after taking off my earpiece, I watched the screen, instantly finding Rooster, I smiled at this movements, he really was a beautiful aviator, I loved Rooster and I was starting to put Hangman out of my mind.

I had this stomach ache that wouldn't go away, maybe I needed some soup or something.

--- Hangman's Point of View ---

"How is the hangover?" Maverick questioned.

We were at a tiny hole in the wall café having breakfast, and yes I had one hell of a hangover. I gave him an annoyed and exacerbated look.

"I'm sorry."

"You know I can't stay away forever, I'm going to run into them again."

"Hopefully by then she will be in a very safe position."

"I didn't realize they were using me to track her down."

"It was there plan the whole time, as I said, she is much safer if she was with Rooster alone."

"Or I could just take her and disappear."

Maverick and I looked at one another, and I didn't waver at all.

"You wouldn't do that to Rooster."

I shook my head, taking a long sip of my coffee.

"I wouldn't be so sure, wasn't it you that called me a selfish bastard?"

"You shouldn't throw that in my face."

I shook my head at him, and looked away. There was a long silence between us as they dropped off her food, for a moment we didn't touch it.

"I love her Mav."

"I know...I know the feeling."  

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now