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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships!

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I was doing my best not to lose my complete shit on Rooster, Beau...everyone.

Fucking hell, I told them to clear the area with my bomb, I told them to move it...and he didn't. Why did they not push it, I was watching there speed, they could have gone faster.

I was stronger than this, after losing my brother...I just, I couldn't keep on being strong – it was too hard at the moment, I wanted to be able to fall apart.

With my hands shaking more than they should I took off my shirt and started crying, but I did as Rooster asked and I stripped down totally, all I wanted to do at this moment was run, hell I could demand that I be taken to the other side of the fucking world.

"Easy baby...fuck you are shaking so hard, come here." He grabbed onto me and pulled us into the bed, I felt myself start to shiver even more under his touch.

"Rooster...I can't..."

"I know what you are going to try and do, you are going to try and push me away, don't, they will bring him home."

"How do you know."

"Because he is to suborn, he told me to go back to you, and that is what I intend to do."

He flipped me over onto my back, I looked up at him, tears in my eyes as he leaned down and kissed my throat.

While he was kissing me I felt something wet drip on my throat, it took me a moment to realize that Rooster was crying as well.

"I don't want what happened before you left on the mission to be the last of what is between the three of us."

"Fuck it won't be – trust me I'm scared and hurting to, you are not alone, what do you need from me? Please tell me how to help you."

I had no idea what to say, because he wasn't Hangman.

"You're in control Rooster..." I muttered, wondering if he would pick up on the hint, his body went still, then in one fluid and forceful movement he flipped me over onto my stomach, and put most all of his weight on me.

He grabbed my hair roughly, it hurt a bit but I wasn't complaining, the pain of him doing that cut through the haze of my self-pity and worry.

"I'm not him baby...that is the beauty of the three of us, we complement one another."

"I know..." I whimpered. That was why I needed Hangman as well as him.

"Say my name..."


"No, try again."


"That's not what I want to hear."

I closed my eyes as he shifted a little bit, getting up on his knees he spread my legs, my hips raised, I knew all the had to do was push forward, entering me.

"Say it."

"Lieutenant Bradshaw..." I muttered, why was saying his full military rank turning me on?

"That's it... that's who I am, I am a raking officer baby, and you will treat me with the respect that come's with it."

"Fuck..." I moaned when he gently entered me.

"I'm not going to last long... it's been a stressful day."

That was an understatement I enjoying having him in me, his strong body above me brought me comfort and joy, and his cock in me was now somewhat familiar, and I loved that.

"I'm going to cum...can I cum in you?"

"Yes...please." I needed to feel him cum, feel his body respond to mine, when he did he gently pushed himself all the way in, and when he was finished he gently removed himself from me, turning me over onto my back.

He ran his hand down my chest and stomach, his hand lingering on my bandage.

"You are so beautiful." I could feel the cum slowly drip out of me, warm and sticky.

With a deep sigh he got out of bed and put on his boxers, then got dressed, turning to face me.

"I am going to be going and getting you something to help you sleep, and I will get some information on how they are handling finding Jake..."

He came over and leaned down, the kiss he gave me was steady and strong, a very loving and enjoyable kiss, it was softer than he had been acting.

When he left I got up and went into the adjoining room, a shower on an aircraft carrier was less than luxurious but I wanted to get clean, I removed my bandage and hissed when the hot water hit my wound.

I leaned against he wall and started sobbing. If I lost Hangman...I would never forgive myself. I loved Rooster, more than Hangman in many regards, but...Hangman was one of the few people who knew who I was. Rooster would never forgive me if he found out who I was. So I needed Hangman.

Getting lightheaded I walked out of the shower and just had enough time to get some pajamas on before I legit passed out on the bed, darkness overcoming me.   

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now