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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I woke up hours later, I glanced at the clock, it was 6:05 PM, looking down I saw a sleeping Rooster, reaching out with my hand I ran the back of my finger down against his cheek.

He stirred at my touch but didn't awaken. Simply turned over his back facing to me.

I smiled at him and got up out of bed – putting on a big shirt that covered me – I wasn't sure who it belonged to until I smelled it – my heart thudded when I smelled Hangman's cologne – I looked around the room.

Where the hell was he?

Curling up in a ball in the chair I got onto the computer I logged on, I was going though some files intending to work when a screen popped up, I private video.

Before the person, whom I knew - Daniel and I had done a few mission together – I could even call him a friend, I put my finger up to my lips in a shushing manner – turning the screen so the person could see Rooster sleeping.

Getting the hint he closed his mouth and started typing, in the encrypted chat box a message came through.

Are you doing alright?

Repressing a sigh I started to type back.

I am, you must be monitoring my activities, you know how much that pisses me off.

It has nothing to do with you and everything to do with Lieutenant Seresin.

How sure are you that he is leaking secrets, and who is he leaking them to?

That is what we are trying to figure out, again are you doing alright?

As I said, yes.

Many - myself included are worried about the little one that you are carrying, maybe you shouldn't be near Seresin.

I rubbed my temples because my head was starting to hurt, I wasn't 100 percent sure if I should be scared of Hangman, and the fact it might be his baby in me – it was just so convoluted, and I really didn't feel like explaining myself to anyone.

My baby is alright, and I'm not going to get into my private life.

You are being reckless, and I suppose that is to be expected, who is the father?

Its way to soon to tell, I'm going to find some food.

Without saying goodbye I shut off the computer and stood up, I got dressed in leggings and a light sweater, then I put my hair up in a messy bun.

I left a note telling Rooster I was going for a walk and I left the building.

I found myself in the canteen back room, I was looking for oatmeal cookies, finally after hunting for a while I found them.

I took two and started walking back to the shed, I was walking in a dark area right by a small airplane hanger when I was grabbed, I couldn't scream because I was chewing on a cookie.

"What are you doing?" Hangman's voice was playful, somehow, I equally tensed and relaxed.

"Getting cookies, where have you been?"

"I had to take care of some private things." He turned me in his arms and I hugged him, he put his arms around me holding me close. I wanted to pry but at the same time I was scared too.

--- Rooster's Point of View ---

I watched them interact, I had gotten dressed and was about to go out looking for her.

Sometimes I hated seeing them together, they just seemed to fit so naturally. I walked back into her home and shut the door, leaning back against it, rubbing my hand across my face.

I know I told her that I didn't care who's child it was, but I had no idea how I would deal if the baby was his.

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now