Where is He?

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships, - so trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Rooster's Point of View ---

I sat down at the desk and watched then, I had never been much of a voyeur, but I realized that I enjoyed watching her.

I watched as she licked his cock from base to him, he let out a very unmanly moan and I smirked, knowing that she was beautiful and very sexual, and that she was mine, sure I had to share her, but I found that it didn't matter.

She looked over her shoulder at me, I could read her expression, she was worried about me.

"Don't worry little one, give him some attention." I encouraged.

She went back to it, I looked out the window, I had a selfish streak, a part of me wanted to all but kidnap her and run, but I knew that Hangman loved her the same.

'She will have to make a choice at some point.' My brain argued, and I wanted to make sure that it was me, but for now my only desire is to keep her safe.

"Fuck..." I heard Hangman cry out, I watched as he lifted his hips, and Chase, took his cock, swallowing his cum.

"You are such a good girl." He praised, sitting up he pulled her to him hugging her, turning them over he cuddled her, then slowly he moved her to the side and stood up, getting dressed.

I got up and walked to the side of the bed, Chase was looking long,

"Where are you going?" She asked gently.

"For a walk baby, even though you made me cum I am still buzzing- you are just that good." He teased, coming over and kissing her on the nose, she let out a giggle.

"Okay, get some sleep, I am going for a run, I will be back soon, we should go at dawn."

"Alright...be safe." I muttered, I crawled
?'back into bed with her, gently flipping her over on her side I pulled her back against me, cuddling her.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I woke up to feeling a odd coldness around me, I looked up and saw Rooster quickly throwing things in bags.

"What...where is Hangman?" I asked looking around worried.

"He didn't come back."

That made me worried, I sat up looking more around.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean he didn't come back and his phone is off, we need to go...get dressed." I could hear the worry in his voice but he was being very firm.

"We have to look for him."

He stopped what he was doing and came over to me, he moved me to the edge of the bed, and put his hands in my lap, giving me a worried look.

He reached up and put his hand on my cheek.

"Him and I talked about this, if anything happened to one of us the other has to get your to safety, we are going to drive there, nonstop, then we will deal with finding him. Get dressed."

I started to sob, he got back to what he was doing and I slowly got dressed, I looked outside and saw his car was parked right in front, he stepped out and threw things in the car.

He came back to the room and in one quick movement he was over and me and picked me up.

I sobbed against him.

"I know, I'm scared for him to..." He kissed the top of my head, and like a child he put me in the car, shutting the door behind me.

He got into the driver seat, and without any hesitation he peeled out of the parking lot at max speed, I rested my head against the cold glass, sobbing gently. Rooster put his hand on my thigh, but said nothing.

What the hell? Where was he? 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now