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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

"I...I think that it is Roosters." I muttered.

His green eyes looked up at me, there was sadness in them – but there was determination.

"You can't be sure – maybe you are just hoping for it to be his."

I looked away, I knew logically that he was right, going off a 'feeling' really didn't mean crap.

"We can get a DNA test, in utero – put this to rest."

I looked at him wide eyed, I had fucking forgot that it is an option – I was thinking old fashioned that we would have to wait for it to be born.

I suddenly wanted to know.

"I will test as soon as I am able to."

"Thank you."

He let out a deep sigh, looking around I saw him glance at the watch that he was wearing.

"Where is Rooster."

It was like I had finally remembered him, I let out gasp and grabbed his arm and looked at the time, it had been well over an hour.

He picked up his cell phone and sent what I figured was a text message, panic started to setting in a little bit, Hangman looked up at me and then pulled me into his arm.

"Easy babe, easy, stress and worry is not good for our little one, I just texted him and I'm sure he will be here soon, let's give him another hour or so then I will go out and look for him..."

It was then that one of my monitors beeped, I turned my attention to it as it interrupted him.

"What is that."

"Put some pants on, I'm getting a request for a face-to-face talk."

Instantly he got up and before I knew it he had put on some sexy gray sweat pants on and was putting on a white shirt, I grabbed Rooster's shirt and put on a pair of who I was assuming was Hangman's boxers.

I walked over to the desk sitting it the chair I pressed a few keys; the person came instantly on the screen.

"Sorry to bother you at this late hour." He looked past me. "Evening Lieutenant Seresin, you have been granted clearing via her request so you can be in the room."

"Uh, thank you sir." He stammered, I knew it was because he was confused about this person's rank, but the person didn't seem to care.

"You know us, who are you."

"Captain Taylor, pleasure to meet you, do you have the schematics for the ZY125 with you or is it somewhere secure?"

That question shocked me, and I instantly became a bit more unsettled at the inquiry I was getting.

"It's been downloaded on the Stealth Aircraft Carrier and I turned it over to them as the project has been completed and I didn't see any need to improve on it.

"What is the ZY125?" Hangman asked me a bit to the side, in a whisper.

I had to think it over before answering. "It's your basic Daisy Cutter, just a bit more – damaging."

"Captain why are you asking this."

"Because it has fallen into hands that it wasn't supposed to."

I pivoted in my chair and looked some things up, it wasn't on my computer.

"I just re-checked it isn't in my files, so the breach wasn't on my end – also it's encrypted so I'm confused as to who could break my encryption."

"So are we, we are looking more into it – please be vigilant."

I didn't look at Hangman, I got what he was getting it."

"I will."

"We will be in contact." The screen went dark, I leaned back and let out a sigh. Hangman walked behind me and hugged me, kissing my neck.

I just let him hold me – I was upset and he seemed to know that I just needed some silence, when the door opened and shut, turning I saw Rooster standing there with the pizza's in a warming case.

"What the hell were you?" Hangman growled.

Hangman's tone startled Rooster and he looked at the two of us with wide eyes, I saw guilt behind him.

Hm, that is curious, why is there guilt behind his eyes?

"Sorry they messed up the pizza and I had to have them remake it..." He stammered, walking over he put the pizza on the table.

"I'm going to the mess hall to get plates and stuff." Quickly he left the room.

"What the hell is he hiding?" Hangman muttered.

"You picked up on that as well?" I gasped, loving that we were on the same wavelength.

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now