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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships – trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Rooster's Point of View ---

I felt scared when I was cleaning off her face, I wasn't sure what was going on, where had this fever come from?

She didn't seem to be getting better, her eyes were closed, and she looked very pale, I got up and got a cold gallon of water, slowly poring it into the tub.

I stayed with her for a while, after a moment she opened her eyes, color started to come back, not a lot but enough that she didn't look like she was dead.

She looked at me confused.

"Hi..." She gently muttered.

"Hi baby...shit you had me scared..." I let out a shuttering sigh that I didn't know that I was holding.

"What happened..." She looked confused.

"What do you remember?"

"You had left, and the Ha...I walked around the Hangar, I started feeling warm..." I looked around a bit shy then covered herself, it was as if she realized that she was in a bathtub.

"You had a fever, sorry I put you in this bath, I needed to cool you down quickly..." She gulped at my explanation, I watched as she looked around. I really didn't like the wary look in her eyes.

"Let me get you a towel." I got up and found one that was folded in a closet in the back of the hangar, I opened it and watched as he got herself out of the tub.

When she stepped out and I wrapped the towel around her she stumbled, I wrapped it tightly around her and picked her up, she blushed and buried her head in my chest, I felt my heart thud, it was a deep thud.

I was in love with this girl, crazy, I hadn't known her that long but this love wasn't easy on me. I was shaking this burden of care and love with Hangman, now that he is gone

"I miss him...but I am happy that I am with you Lieutenant..." She purred, at her using my rank. It was then that I felt her go limp in my arms...I shook her...

"Baby...baby wake up..." I shook her in my arms.

{5 Hours Later}

I was in the waiting area at the Military Base Hospital, she was on record so they look her in the back instantly but wouldn't let me follow.

"Bradley..." I stood up and saw Maverick walking in...

"What happened."

"I don't know, but she had a fever, then passed out... they haven't told me anything." I didn't realize how manic I was until I found that I was talking erratically.

Maverick but his hands on my shoulders.

"Breath Bradley...let's just wait and see."

After a while the doctor came out.

"Mr. Bradshaw..."


"Your girlfriend is alright, we have determined that she had a simple allergic reaction to something...she needs a few days in overnight observation..."

I felt my body sag and Maverick guided me into the chair, I felt very weak, and happy that she was going to be okay.

--- Maverick's Point of View ---

"She's going to be okay clearly, I'll ask some other questions, please go down the hall to the cafeteria and get us some coffee and you some food..."


"Don't make me order you..."

He nodded and I watched as he walked down the hall in some kind of a daze, when he walked through the double door I turned to the doctor.

"You know that I have clearance is it really an allergic reaction?"

He shook his head.

"She was poisoned." 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now