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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

"Is there any way that I can say no?"

He gave that signature smile, the one that made him look to perfect for his own damn good.

"No. I think we need to spend some time together to see if we are compatible dominant and submissive."

I was a bit of a brat when it came to submission, at least that is what a few dominants that I have dated have said about me.

"What if Lieutenant Bradshaw is the one that I want?"

He smiled and scoffed a little bit, he didn't take the bait, or at least he didn't show if it bothered him.

"He is seeing someone Chase, and as far as I know it's kind of serious."

Shit, no wonder he walked away from me after we fucked, but I was also a bit perturbed because he did take me out to eat, wasn't that a date?

I leaned back in bed and sighed, I handed him half of the burrito.

"No you eat it all, you need your strength."

I took it off the plate and took another bite. "For what?"

"Don't chew with your mouth full little one."

The pet name made me melt, not that I was going to show him that.

"Do I need an overnight bag?"

"Yes, clothes for at least three days."

"Two, I need a day to myself."

He looked at me clearly thinking my request over.

"That is fair, meet me outside the main hangar in an hour." I kept my burrito, and he took the plate, he leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek.

When I got to my house I packed some simple clothes, I decided to pack both street and a nice dress and shoes, I wasn't sure what he wanted to do. I also picked up my tablet so I could work on my aircraft at some point.

I send a text message to Beau telling him where I was, he sent one back and said he figured, and I will have eyes on me the whole time.

I was early and saw Hangman pull up, I finally saw him in street clothes, jeans and a short sleeve plaid shirt – he looked handsome.

"I was thinking we could get to my house, I show you around, and we go to the bar The Hard Deck, I want to show you off, most everyone from

You had heard about that bar.

"Sounds good."

{10 Hour's Later}

I had told him that I needed to get ready – he had a beautiful well kept house, I did it quick but I put on makeup and did my hair, wearing a nice summer dress and white sandals.

When I walked out of the bathroom Hangman jaw dropped.

"You look gorgeous."

I blushed.

"Thank you..."

He held out his hand.

"You ready?"


"Let me spoil you a bit tonight, buy you drinks and good, let me take care of you."

I nodded, that sounded good, I was noticing just how natural things seemed with him, and how I basically was submissive without realizing it around him, and I felt he sensed it as well.

During the drive he asked me questions about my past, and I parroted the questions to get a little bit more about him.

I had a felling that his bad boy image was just that, an imagine, he seemed dominant but there was a humanity to him that he seemed to hide.

"Do you have any siblings?"

My heart ached.

"I had a twin, he's dead, but I have another older brother as well." I said it without really thinking.

"I'm so sorry."

I shook my head. "It's okay, it was a while ago, is this it?"

We drove up to the bar, it was dark but lights were on. He parked and got out he came around, opening the door for me and helping me out, he took my hand possessively.

We walked into the bar and looked around.

"Hangman over here..." I looked and saw Coyote, Fan Boy...everyone was there.

He put his hand on my lower back and gently pushed forward.

Then I saw it, Rooster was sitting half on a bar stool, and sitting on his lap was a girl – he was drinking a beer and had one arm around her, she was taller than me, and stunning, I could tell by her outfit that she was active coast guard.

For reasons that I couldn't and wouldn't investigate right now, that broke my heart seeing him hold this stranger like that, he looked over and saw me, I saw his face go white, then he looked between me and Hangman I saw clear anger came over his face.

I used every bit of my power to smile at all of them.

Phoenix came over and hugged me, I wasn't used to this random affection, and I found that I liked it, she was always nice and friendly to everyone, and not to be mean to Rooster or Hangman, in my opinion she was the better pilot in many ways.

"I'm glad you could make it; I was shocked when Hangman told me he was bringing you, it's good to see you getting you want a drink?"

Hangman stepped forward and but an arm around my waist affectionately.

"She's my date, I'll get her one, what do you want babe?"

I turned in Hangman's arms and looked up at him with a smile, he put his hand on my lower back – almost touching my ass.

"Ask if they know how to make a Boilermaker, if not then try a Rusty Nail, if they can't manage either a Bud Light will do."

He smirked.

"I like that...I'll be right back."

When he left, I turned to face Coyote giving her a smile.

"Hey, I am new to this area, I want to go to lunch tomorrow with Jake, do you have any recommendations?" I wasn't sure if we were, but I wanted to start conversation. She smiled at me and I did my best to ignore Rooster, even though I swear I could feel him glaring at me.

{1 Hour Later}

I was having such a fun time, but I wanted to get some air because the bar was getting crowded, Hangman was playing darts and I told him that I would be fine alone, he seemed unsure but I think he read my expression and decided to let me go.

I was walking past a side door making my way to a front door when someone grabbed me by the arm yanking me a little.

I looked over and saw Rooster, he pulled me out the side door shutting it behind him, he pressed my back up against it.

"What the hell..." I growled.

"Hangman? Really?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, then I rolled them.


I went to move to the side, and he put up his arm blocking me, I looked over at him, eyes narrowed, he leaned forward, I could smell the alcohol on his breath, I figured he was a bit drunk.

"I can't stop thinking about you..."

He nuzzled his face against the side of my neck.

"Bradley, get away from her..." Hangman's voice was deep and resonating, I looked over and saw him saunter over, holding a beer.

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now