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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ----

I really lost myself in my work for the next few hours, I redesigned an old ballistic bomb that I had scraped a while ago, getting fresh ideas.

After a while I realized the coffee didn't help, with a sigh I shut down and left, when the private tried to get up when I left, I just made a motion with my hand to tell him to fucking sit down.

I left the room and made my way back to the room, I looked at my wrist, realizing I didn't have a watch so I had no idea what time it was, the aircraft carrier was dark inside.

When I got to my room the door was open, I didn't think to much on that when I walked in, before I knew it someone wrapped their arm around my waist and covered my mouth.

My eyes were wide as I looked at the bed, wearing boxers. Rooster was sitting there, looking at me with eyes narrowed.

"You just couldn't let me go could you." Hangman hissed in my ear. "I'm going to let go of your mouth, you will not like what I will do to you if you yell...understand?"

I nodded, and slowly he removed his hand from my mouth.

Before I could say anything he covered my eyes with something, a strip of black cloth.

"You know the safe words, but a good girl like you won't use them, she will take her punishment." His voice was suddenly deeper and I felt my heart start to hammer hard, painfully hard, I felt yourself start to sweat.


"For not letting go, for coming after me even though I said no."

"I said I never wanted to see you again, that..."

"The blindfold will help with that, I can just be a hard cock in your ass, fucking you."

His words were so serious you let out a moan.

"Come on baby..."

I jumped when Rooster started to undress me, blindfolded I realized that their hands were different, calloused, and rough in different places.

I was naked in under a minute, Hangman ran his hands up and down my arms.

"Easy are shivering, you know we would never really hurt you." I heard him close and lock the heavy door, then come back to me, touching me again. 

The kiss he placed on the side of my neck, and I heard Rooster lay down on the bed.

"I'm going to held you on his cock, then I will lube you up...then you are taking us both..."

Naturally I let out a whimper.

"Trust us." Hangman soothed.

"Let us take control." Rooster soothed, I straddled him and he guided me down, lining up his cock he stretched me as I moved all the way down on his cock. 

At this I moaned, this was the hardest thing for me, giving in, I always had to be so in control, and this was very much not being in control.

Rooster held my hips as I felt cold lube on my ass, then Hangman slowly started stretching me out with his fingers, I squirmed, he put his hand on my ass holding me still while he worked.

"You ready? Be my good girl and don't forget to breath, and don't fight it, just accept it, let us have you."

He lined up his cock with my ass, and slowly but unstopping he sank into me, I leaned forward burying my head in Roosters shoulder, Rooster wrapped his arms around me in comfort and kissed my cheek, lips and forehead, saying soothing words that at this moment I really didn't understand.

Hangman started moving, I let out an involuntary whimper, he was dancing on the delicate line between pain and pleasure, after a moment it tipped in favor of pleasure.

I was not sure if the movements were what was turning me on, or the fact that I was given up control to two men who where just, very fucking MALE.

Yeah I was all for being a women of power and influence, but at this moment – all that was set aside.

"Good girl, I can feel you submitting, you have no idea how much you mean to me." Hangman moaned, then leaned down and kissed the spot between my shoulder blades, making me moan.

Rooster was holding still and Hangman was moving.

"I'm going to finish in her...she's yours after that..."

It was then that Hangman let loose, he grabbed my hips and moved hard in me, it made me struggle a little, feeling so much that you felt like you were going to burst.

I cried out as I let him finished inside me, his cum was hot.

"Fucking hell..." Rooster moaned, as I contracted around his cock from the orgasm, Hangman slowly but swiftly pulled out of me, and in seconds I heard the door open and close.

"Are you okay if I have my turn?"

"Y...yes." I stammered.

"Good girl." Gently he moved out of me flipping me over and sinking his cock into me again, going slow in missionary style.

I was so blitzed out and overstimulated that I just let myself enjoy the ease and love Rooster was given, knowing I would later have to process all this shit, but for now, it was simple pleasure.

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now