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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I stood out on the deck on the ship, my phone rang, I was shocked that I got cell service out here, I looked up and saw that we were closer to shore.

The name ROOSTER came up on my cell phone, I had programed it in my phone when we went out on a date.

With a bit of apprehension, I answered it, I had no idea why I was shaking hard, I walked to the very edge of the aircraft carrier, to where it was quieter. 

"Hi Rooster." I kept my voice light and happy, dare I say a bit flirty.  

"Are you alright, you just kind of left that night, are you back at base?"

I was confused about why he was worried. "I'm fine, I should be back at base by later this afternoon, what's up?"

"I want to apologize, for how I acted at the bar, and not telling you about Amberle and asking you out of the date, I was so out of line, I am normally loyal and faithful you have to know that."

He sounded honest; I could hear the sadness in his voice.

I realized that I liked Bradley, more than I should, I know that I really should be with Jake, not only was he dominant but he was rougher, feral.

Bradley had an innocence about him that I knew I could destroy, also I wanted to call him out on his bullshit.

"Do you regret any of that? Do you regret going out on a date with me?"

He passed and I wondered what he was doing.

"No, as I said, I feel something for you, and it is so strong that I am having trouble dealing with it."

I swallowed my dry throat. "Same."

"So you do feel something?"

"Yes I feel something Rooster, I clearly do, I was so hurt when Jake told me about your girlfriend."

"I am so sorry Chase, I never wanted to hurt you, and I didn't lead you on, I don't know what I want, but I don't want you to be with Hangman, please stay away from him."

I hated being told what to do. Without any warning I had a flash back, to when I told Maverick about what happened to my twin, and how he warned me about Rooster.

"That is why you have to stay away from Bradley."

"He is a grown man, I think he can make his own choices."

"He's just started getting better over the past year, he's a better man, if you are going to go after anyone it should be Jake."

I shook my head, I was going to break his heart, I knew that I had to, what would happen when he found out who I am.

"But I also love Jake..."

"That is not true." He growled.

"Please don't tell me what I feel, I want him as well."

"Stay away from him, he's

not a good man, and he has never been loyal to just one girl..."

I scoffed. "You are one to talk, you are talking to me when you are in a serious relationship with someone. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now