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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Beau's Point of View ---

"What do you fucking mean she was stabbed?"

I was walking to a private quarters on the higher deck, Chase had been taken there and was being looked at by a doctor, I was in a meeting so I wasn't informed right away,

"Someone stabbed her in her side, about 2 inches in, it didn't hit anything vital, she also fell down, so she's more than a little sore.

"Do we know who stabbed her?"

"Yes a private saw the person running, he had been detained in the brig."

"Is this person one of ours?"

The captain hesitated for a moment.


"A traitor, fucking great."

I opened up the door, she was laying on the bed, she looked a bit pale but her eyes were clear and alert, I walked over to her.

"We need to get you off this boat."

She struggled and sat up, narrowing her eyes at me she sat up, holding her side.

"I just had a few stiches and I have been told not to run any marathons, I've had worse and you know I have, I don't want to leave this place."

"I failed to protect you."

"On the contrary, the guy was going to stab me again but a private saw and stopped him – I shouldn't be alive... I do not want to leave."

"Leave us." I barked, the doctor and the captain and the two guarding privates left the room. When they were gone I faced her.

"I am so sorry Chase."

"Not your fault."

"Do you not want to leave Jake and Bradley? Is that why you are insisting you stay."

"That is part of it."

"You do know that you are putting them in danger by getting as close as you are to the both of them, now I'm not even going to comment on the in's and out's of your relationship, you really need to think this over."

I knew I was yelling, and it didn't seem to phase her, she narrowed her eyes at me and set her jaw firmly.

"I'm am not leaving, and don't lecture me and don't make me go over you Beau, I feel safe when I am with them."

I shook my head.

"You need to tell Rooster then."

"Not happening. Tell them that I fell off a walkway and got cut on a sharp edge..."

I shook my head at her, she didn't out rank me but the military would listen to her, she was an asset and they would never jeopardize her wishes.

She let out a sigh and deflated a little bit. "I'm sorry Beau, I just... I'm scared here."

"That is understandable." My anger left me, I knew that I should be looking into who had hurt her, and not getting to involved in her personal life.

"Can you get them for me..."

"As you wish, you need to eat something first clearly, I'll have food set up."

--- Rooster's Point of View ---

"You need to relax Bradshaw, the Vice Admiral must have her doing something, she wouldn't just not show unless there is a reason, calm down, this is way to small of a space to be pacing back and forth."

I stopped and looked at him on the bottom bed, he was laying back his hand behind his head looking at me with amused annoyance.

I moved to my bed and sat down.

"Are we sure we should be doing this with her."

He looked up at the ceiling.

"This feeling right Bradley, and you know it does, if there was any man I would feel comfortable sharing someone with it would be you."

"I'm flattered." I muttered.

"You should be."

There was a knock on the door.

"Uh who is it?" I muttered.

"Vice Admiral Simpson, open up."

We both got to our feet and Jake made it to the door first, when he opened up the door the Admiral stepped right in.

"In spite of what I told her, she seems to have let the two of you know that she is on this aircraft."

"Sir I was the one that saw her..." Jake started to defend her.

"Save it, there has been an accident."

"What kind of accident."

I watched as Beau seemed to have to steady himself to get the words out.

"She fell off a walkway and was implanted by a bar, she is injured but nothing to serious, she is still on the boat – and she is asking for you...both of you apparently."

He looked at Hangman.

"Bradshaw the private outside will take you to where you need to go, I need to talk to Seresin alone."

Reluctantly I looked between them, neither face gave anything away, I was anxious to see her so I left the room.

--- Hangman's Point of View ---

The Vice Admiral walked over to the door and closed it.

"I take it she didn't fall?" I guessed at why he was isolating us.

"She was stabbed."

"STABBED?" I balked.

"Yes, we caught the guy."

"Can I have a moment alone with this guy?"

"You are going to have to get into line, look... are you willing to look after her?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean she is going to need protecting, and you and Bradshaw will be in line of fire by being with her, I want to know that you are willing."

"I am...I can't speak for Bradley sir, because he doesn't know who she is."

"What do you think will happen if he knows the truth about her, do you think he can handle it."


"We are talking off the record Jake, I want your honest opinion." I leaned against the wall.

"Honestly, I'm not sure he could handle it, he had morals, and what she does...I think it would break him."

"And her..." He added softly.

"Try and prevent that from happening Jake, come on, she want's to see both of you."

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I was connected to an IV, looking at the side panel, I had somehow eaten some rice, it was something t

"Baby...oh my god."

I looked over to see Rooster coming over to me, the door being shut behind him.

He sat at the edge of the bed, looking me over closely.

"Fuck you are so pale..."

He put both of his hand on either side of my cheeks and pulled me in for a kiss, I kissed him back loving the taste of him, my heart breaking, knowing that he could never know the truth about me... or what had happened to me.

He pulled back after a moment, we both looked at the door as it opened again and Hangman stepped though, the moment our eyes met I knew that he knew the truth. He came over and kneeled before me putting his hand on my arm, and I felt safe for the first time since being stabbed. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now