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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I woke up an hour later, hearing what I knew was a helicopter landing on deck, I didn't think much of it but I laid awake, hand on my belly thinking about the little one that was growing there.

When we were back in Fightertown I was going to tell Rooster about my it, then I would tell Hangman next time I saw him.

Many hours later I woke up first, looking at the alarm I knew that Rooster would be flying for hours, I turned off the alarm and walked over and ran my hand though his hair, I watched as his eyes opened softly.

"Morning, the alarm was going to go off in ten minutes, that leaves me enough time..."


I moved my hand down his chest, he was shirtless he leaned his head back and moaned as I put my hand into his boxers, he was already hard as I started to stroke him.

He leaned his head back and moaned, I looked at the vein and muscles as his neck and his mouth open as he moaned.

I took off the sheets, pulled his boxers down and took his cock in my mouth and slowly started working on him.

Slowly I deep throated him, he squirmed under me.

"Baby..." He put his hand on my back, gently I pushed it off not stopping sucking his cock, I pulled off him only for a moment.

"Focus, you need to cum before we go."

He raised his arms above his head and let out a sigh as I continued, he started moving his hips so I knew he was close, very close, I anticipated when he came and I did my best to swallow.

I stood up whipping my mouth, he sat up.

"Thank you for that..."

I gave him a smile.

"I wanted you relaxed for today."

"You certainly helped with that, come on, we have to get ready."

When we got to the top deck in less than thirty minutes, a fighter was already ready for him. He did an inspection and then got in starting his preflight check, I walked to the far side behind a plane to get some water for us when I heard the familiar voice behind me.

"You are going to need your helmet, I brought yours."

My eyes got wide, and I turned, seeing Hangman standing there – so he was on that helicopter when it landed last night, he really wasn't going to let me get far without him.

He handed me my helmet with my call sign EX MACHINA clearly written.

He moved stepping aside me and burying his head in the back of my neck, I gasped when he but his hand, his strong long finger gripped my stomach gently.

"Rooster or Mine, I care about this new little one, please take care, you should tell Rooster that you are – before this flight, he will fly with more care."

I gasped with a cry; how did he know? And...that thing about telling Rooster sounded, logical.

"I'll tell him." I softy agreed.

"You are such a good girl, I don't want Rooster see me here... when I get back to Fightertown I'll come find you both, go." He gently turned me around and pushed me forward.

In a daze I walked back to the aircraft, he was already in his seat and I got in the back seat, the canopy closed and we were alone.

"Five minutes to take off." I heard over the headsets.

"Bradley switch to private coms for a second."

I used his actual name to let him know I was serious.

"You okay.?

"I...I need to tell you something."

"What is it?"

I wanted to tell him about the baby, I wanted to, but I was still scared and trying to deal with the news myself, and trying to figure out how the hell Hangman knew already.

"I love you, please get us home safe, I'm scared."

"I will babe, don't be scared - I'm here with you... try to get some rest back there, I'll have us home soon."

He switched back to normal coms.

"This is Rooster, moving to the catapult bay..." 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now