Excuse Me

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I was still looking at the door when Hangman started kissing my neck, distracting me from my musing with Roosters evasiveness.

I smiled and looked down at him, we kissed again, he was being so touchy feely and I was enjoying this softer side of him.

"I'm sure he will tell us when he is ready, we shouldn't push." I pouted but I knew that he was right about it.

I stood up and stretched and walked over to the table next to my makeshift kitchen, and sat down at the table and put my head in my hands.

"What's with the pout?"

"I'm hungry, but ill wait for Rooster...because that is polite."

As if on cue he walked though the door and smiled at the both of us, he walked over to the table and put down the knives, forks, plates, napkins, and I saw he had two beers clearly for himself and Hangman, and a S. Pellegrino for me.

"Thank you." I smiled and took the sparkling water, I remembered that now that I have a baby, there were some restrictions now to what I could eat.

I hadn't let anyone touch me yet in regard to the baby I carry, I had always been like that, kind of protective of my own body – but maybe it would be a good idea to have myself officially looked at.

Hangman and Rooster both sat and started eating, I eyed them up and down, realizing that they seemed famished, and I took a few big bites.

"I'm going to have to go to a doctor, I'll get in contact with a private doctor tomorrow – I would like you both to come with me."

"Uh...sure – is something wrong?" Hangman asked worried.

I looked up at both of them, they were giving me mildly concerned looks.

"I should get my first baby checkup, it's my first one and I need to know if I should make any diet changes, maybe get on prenatal vitamins – you know the basics."

"Oh...right." Rooster added, I smiled at him.

I kept on eating, my mind wandered to the question that had been asked to me about ZY125. How the hell had it been stolen."

I quickly ate one last slice, that was three and I was very full, finally I took a sip of water.

"Can the two of you entertain yourself for a while – go on a walk or something."

There was silence, a very uncomfortable silence. "It's late babe, but sure, why do you want us to go – do you want to be alone tonight."

"Does this have to do with the ZY125?" Hangman questioned.

"What is ZY125?" Roosters voice was a mix of annoyance and confusion.

I met Hangman's eyes. "You can tell him about it, but yes, I'm going to look into it, I mean, you could stay here but you handsome men are a bit of a distraction to me – but I don't want you gone all night, maybe an hour or two." I purred.

"Am I really?" Rooster smirked right back at me, leaning forward he kissed me on the lips.

"Let's take this food to do, we can go play a few rounds in the pool hall...maybe sign up to run some drills with the younger pilots tomorrow." Hangman hinted, I watched as they got up and after Hangman dressed in a few more clothes - they both left.

When they were gone I moved to my computer, I was determined to figure out how the hell that information was leaked.

I had given all the information over to them, I tend to purge my files to make room mentally for new projects, but maybe it was intercepted in my computer before I purged it.

After about a half of an hour when I had dug into my system the red light beeped on my computer – indicated a face time was being sent through, I answered it.

It was the same guy, he looked around.

"Are you alone?"

"I am."

"We got back the information; we are sure that the person that is giving the information out...is Lieutenant Jake Seresin."

My brain felt like it shut up, turned back on and slowly rebooted.

"Excuse me?" 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now